forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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@Imperfect_Autumn group

I'm never tall
I'm never short
I'm not even really average
what the hell

It’s a very strange height to be. There are many people taller than you, many shorter, and a few the same…


I'm never tall
I'm never short
I'm not even really average
what the hell

It’s a very strange height to be. There are many people taller than you, many shorter, and a few the same…

It's like the most uncomfortable height to be. It's like being in between sizes- Not a Medium, not a Small.


It’s really weird, you’d think the average height for women would be smaller than 5’4”, but it’s not
Meanwhile you’d expect the average for men to be higher than 5’9”, but it’s not

@ElderGod-kirky group

I can theoretically wear smaller sizes, mainly for shirts, but I can't stand tight shirts so I go for larges. Loose clothing is comfy, so I have a lot of my dad's and mom's clothes as well

@saor_illust school

(Sorry Lee/whichever one I'm talking to! Just gonna jump in with this reply real quick and then I'll be done with this off-topic conversation I swear!)

at least y'all are taller than 5'
this post was made by the 4' 10 3/4" gang

definitely not taller than 5 feet.
and probably will never be
laughs in 4' 8.5"

Deleted user


this isn’t Lee’s chat.

It’s mine.

Height honestly interests me so continue it if y’all want

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Do you know how strange it is to stand next to your best friend after not seeing her for a few months and she’s suddenly taller than you? It’s the weirdest thing, I swear…


Same thing happened with my cousin! I went to hug him when we got there for Christmas and he was nearly a full head taller than me. He’s a year younger and I’m used to being tall (I’m around 5’8), it was so weird