forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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people_alt 74 followers

@saor_illust school

also, do you guys want to see a new documentary series i made? it's titled… wait for it…

the exploration of the wild curly in her natual habitat!

it's only about a minute and a half long… but it's very interesting! i promise!

Deleted user

thank you

It's honestly not that obvious in photos… But I get a lot of head pets in person lmao

Deleted user

has no idea what y'all are talking about

my hair does big floof

Deleted user

i think i finally figured out where this topic started

guys, curly is the name of my cat lol


@saor_illust school

(oh also the message above was in reaction to emi's video aha)
and since we should actually get back to doing what this thread was meant for, i have cat videos. which star: me whispering but trying to be loud and messing up the name of the "documentary series" several times and my wonderful kitty.