forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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people_alt 74 followers


I filmed a video of me on a walk but I have to edit it so I don't know when I will post it haha Edit: I checked the videos I had and all of the audio is trash which defeats the purpose so maybe I will try again later XD

Deleted user

OH MY GOD, WHISPER, YOU'RE SO CUTE, dude please know that, literally cries, you're adorable!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

quietly squeals in embarrassment to myself Why???? Why does everyone think I'm cute even after seeing that face!!! Though, TrippingOnStardust (my BF) does say my voice is very nice and soothing, so, I guess I'll accept that…


You have such a nice voice! It's so like calm and you sound so friendly haha, also your cat is adorable I would risk allergies to pet them, whenever I end up making a video I'll try not to do a google drive link so you can see it haha