forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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people_alt 74 followers


I didn’t really have any exact ideas of your voice would sound like. I mean, I kind of thought there might be more of an accent but you sounded pretty… normal? Is that the right word? I dunno I need sleep

Deleted user

Did I sound like you guys thought I would?

honestly, no

What did you think I'd sound like?

I'm not really sure. A bit higher?

@HighPockets group

Did I sound like you guys thought I would?

honestly, no

What did you think I'd sound like?

I'm not really sure. A bit higher?

Huh. Honestly my voice is kinda deep-ish (or at least it sounds that way to me) but sometimes it gets high and I Do Not Like That.


scientifically, you hear your voice like, 10 something(either percent or times, but i cant honestly remember) deeper than everyone else hears it. and audio in videos in known to make voices even higher. the last time i recorded myself i wanted to set my ears on fire, because that was NOT the right sound


I'm three seconds in and I'm already smiling cause you're freaking cute


tiny panics

no amount of googling “how to take compliments” has prepared me for this moment-

deep inhale

…Thank you :D


(Okay y'all don't know I've been here but I've been here just silently stalking all ten pages but I just wanted to say)
Ella, you're very adorable. <3

no u-

@Moxie group

I'm three seconds in and I'm already smiling cause you're freaking cute


tiny panics

no amount of googling “how to take compliments” has prepared me for this moment-

deep inhale

…Thank you :D

Annnnnnnnd thats a drink

You're welcome :))
I think you took the compliment well, good job)

@saor_illust school

(Okay y'all don't know I've been here but I've been here just silently stalking all ten pages but I just wanted to say)
Ella, you're very adorable. <3

no u-

nahh just accept it
you're adorable.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

You’re all freaking adorable. No arguments.

Also, I would record another video, but it’s now very late and the light is off. I also happen to be having a sleepover with my roommate, and she might think I was crazy for randomly talking to my phone. XD