forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
Started by Deleted user
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@Moxie group

(hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhnhnhnhn–idk about singing now.)

(okay then like introduce yourself and say like your favorite color and what you had for breakfast)

Deleted user

i don’t… know any musicals

remember when you said we weren't friends anymore
girl go listen to some musicals

Yeah I still understand that

also no I don’t really like musicals.

Deleted user

(well damn now I actually have to eat breakfast. :P)

Eat your breakfast dagabat. Nur.

raspberry noise

I will post a video tonight. I can't while I'm at work unfortunately

@Pickles group

Well I listened to all the ones that worked for me on the first try because I'm unendingly lazy and I don't want to try to figure out why some didn't work
So y'all are lovely

Deleted user

(well damn now I actually have to eat breakfast. :P)

Eat your breakfast dagabat. Nur.

raspberry noise

I will post a video tonight. I can't while I'm at work unfortunately

Have you eaten yet?

Don't judge me