forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I can’t use the Marco Polo app. Maybe you could just like,,, delete the vids?


I don’t actually know how it works, I’ve just seen my mom use it, so I’ll download it and give an update
It could be absolutely terrible for this purpose but it’s worth a shot


I can’t use the Marco Polo app. Maybe you could just like,,, delete the vids?

I can, and I have been, I just figured it could be easier for some beans
However it wouldn’t be the same without you so I’ll probably just scrap that idea


I want to open it but in doing so I will be exposing my real name..

If you’re signed out I don’t think it will

Ah, that was meant for Autumn

I know, I clicked the video while signed out and I don’t think Autumn can see my real name
…Can you?

Deleted user

Did mine work for anyone besides Lee?

It didn’t work for me.