forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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playing a game "OH ew it's Brian. Hit him with the car mom!" "I'm not gonna hit him with the car," "cmon no one will even care!" "No!"

Deleted user

(Watching Newsies Jr.)

Newsies police officer: "Go on, get out of here! Scram!"
The entire Bright Star cast: "ok." (Stands up)


(Watching Newsies Jr.)

Newsies police officer: "Go on, get out of here! Scram!"
The entire Bright Star cast: "ok." (Stands up)

I probably would have done the same thing if I was there haha

Deleted user

(Watching Newsies Jr.)

Newsies police officer: "Go on, get out of here! Scram!"
The entire Bright Star cast: "ok." (Stands up)

I probably would have done the same thing if I was there haha

We were the best audience ever. One of the characters was late so when she came on stage we just started screaming and clapping. And when the people playing the main characters interacted we all loudly went "awwwww"

best. audience. ever.

i was scared my voice was gonna be gone when i woke up but its all good

Deleted user

My math teacher (who is an old man) just said, "If you have a phone out, you're grounded!"

can he do that?

Deleted user

"We should get chips in our brains to make monkeys smarter because the think rocks are fluffy."

Deleted user

"Since when does my ex-husband play the spoons?" - @-_Cinnamon-_

"Well… Have you ever kissed a chicken?"


Deleted user

“My name is Stanford, and I love children. I love them so much that I take them away from their teenage mothers and hand them over to my associate who puts them in a carpet bag and throws them off trains.” -Sam


“My name is Stanford, and I love children. I love them so much that I take them away from their teenage mothers and hand them over to my associate who puts them in a carpet bag and throws them off trains.” -Sam

Stanford doesn't have an opinion, actually.


"It's recipes from 'Chris Beat Cancer.'"
laughter "As terrible as that sounds… Crispy Cancer is not a phrase I ever thought I would hear!"
"What? It's Chris. Beat. Cancer."
- My mom and @GayToaster