forum Tell Me a Fun Fact about Yourself
Started by @KalamariCakes

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I have (And enjoyed) drinking straight vinegar.


Does pickle juice count?

jack & pickle juice?


I have met two of my great grandmothers, and I remember them both clearly. I also tiptoe everywhere instead of walking regularly, not because of any learning disorders or anything like that but because it feels more comfortable, I dunno I’ve just always walked that way. I also learned to read at one and a half, and the first word I read to my mom was “Butterfly”.

What no way I've never met anyone else that walks on their tiptoes because of comfort.


OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

AAAA ANOTHER INFJ. Also, tattoos are awesome.

Deleted user

OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

AAAA ANOTHER INFJ. Also, tattoos are awesome.

Honestly they're the best. An expensive addiction, but it could be worse. XD

Deleted user

I have (And enjoyed) drinking straight vinegar.


Does pickle juice count?

Well… I've never tried pickle juice, I usually just take shots of white vinegar and balsamic vinegar.


My nose is crooked because a pincecone fell on my face when I was a baby.
The first book I was able to read to myself was the fairy tale Rip Van Winkle at 3 years old, and I could only read it not because I knew how words or letters worked, but because I had been read it so often that I had it memorized.
My childhood friend and I used to stay out past dark and try to get La Llorona (a Mexican legend) to kidnap us.
Until I was 10, the only decorations in my room were angels because my grandma thought that they would protect me.
My real first name means bean farmer.
I used to give my stuffed animals repeat names, because some kids in my class had the same names, so I thought if all of them had different names it would be unrealistic.


OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

AAAA ANOTHER INFJ. Also, tattoos are awesome.

Honestly they're the best. An expensive addiction, but it could be worse. XD

I'm kind of too nervous to get one, as I am afraid of needles, but I love how they look and I'm tempted.

Deleted user

If I were to get a tattoo, it would probably be a snake that circled around my upper arm. That spot on my body and snakes have a special meaning for me.


Eh, it was more of a "every day I see 3 Saras, 2 Jesuses, 2 Carmens, 4 Isabellas, and 3 Alexes so it would seem weird if my toys weren't also like that."

Deleted user

Well, the thought of a snake from a fairytale I used to read helped me through some rough times last year. It's a bit silly, but it did.


If I were to get a tattoo, it would probably be a snake that circled around my upper arm. That spot on my body and snakes have a special meaning for me.

Well now I'm curious as to why.


Well, the thought of a snake from a fairytale I used to read helped me through some rough times last year. It's a bit silly, but it did.

Oh nevermind. It's not silly, it's another nice fact about you.

@That One Walmart Spiderman

  • I have a blueberry obsession
  • I can cry on command, but sometimes I'll start crying involuntarily because of it (For no reason whatsoever)
  • I drown in most of my nightmares
  • I'm allergic to peanuts
  • I hate to admit it, but I'm not really Spiderman


OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

I'm INFJ also

INFJ here! (High fives)