forum Tell Me a Fun Fact about Yourself
Started by @KalamariCakes

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I have met two of my great grandmothers, and I remember them both clearly. I also tiptoe everywhere instead of walking regularly, not because of any learning disorders or anything like that but because it feels more comfortable, I dunno I’ve just always walked that way. I also learned to read at one and a half, and the first word I read to my mom was “Butterfly”.

@Becfromthedead group

I joke about having a cool scar next to my eye, but in reality, it’s just a small extension from the corner and is hard to see, plus I really just got it from someone hitting me in the face with a swing when I was a kiddo (it’s a little hard to explain, but it happened lol)

@HighPockets group

I have a scar on my wrist from my cat climbing the screen on the window and then the screen gave out so I grabbed her and she rabbit-kicked me.
I accidentally stole a rock from Door County
I almost dropped a book off of a ferry
I've eaten crab-ragoon pizza before and it was delicious!

@HighPockets group

I've eaten crab-ragoon pizza before and it was delicious!

What… Where do you find such a thing? I need to try that

Okay so long story short my team and I had just won 6th place at Globals and become the first team from my school to get a special award at Globals, go onstage, and be on the jumbotron, and so we wanted to celebrate. We drove around some tornadoes and up to Kentucky and found this restaurant in Lexington called Saul Good to stop at. And that's what I ordered lol.

@Knight-Shives group

I absolutely hate the taste of mint. Like all types of mint. The only type of mint based product that I eat is Mint Jelly, and it is rare for me to eat that. No idea by I dislike mint, I just do.

Also I have not had gum since the 3rd grade.


I absolutely hate the taste of mint. Like all types of mint. The only type of mint based product that I eat is Mint Jelly, and it is rare for me to eat that. No idea by I dislike mint, I just do.

Also I have not had gum since the 3rd grade.

Someone agrees… I have to use kids toothpaste because I despise mint so much

@Knight-Shives group

I absolutely hate the taste of mint. Like all types of mint. The only type of mint based product that I eat is Mint Jelly, and it is rare for me to eat that. No idea by I dislike mint, I just do.

Also I have not had gum since the 3rd grade.

Someone agrees… I have to use kids toothpaste because I despise mint so much

Yeah i deal with the taste of toothpaste and brush my teeth quickly.

Deleted user

I have a birthmark on my eye crease that is considered quite rare.

@faltering-through pets

I have two scars on my neck, three on my stomach, and one close/ almost hovering above my heart
Dogs maybe kinda scare me a bit
I still love these little guava rock candies that I used to eat as a kid
I'm extremely lazy at most things (even at writing. especially at writing and school)
I love freeze dried strawberries


I have two scars on my neck, three on my stomach, and one close/ almost hovering above my heart
Dogs maybe kinda scare me a bit
I still love these little guava rock candies that I used to eat as a kid
I'm extremely lazy at most things (even at writing. especially at writing and school)
I love freeze dried strawberries

Tam you're heccin' adorable, oh my goodness!

Deleted user

OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

@faltering-through pets

I have two scars on my neck, three on my stomach, and one close/ almost hovering above my heart
Dogs maybe kinda scare me a bit
I still love these little guava rock candies that I used to eat as a kid
I'm extremely lazy at most things (even at writing. especially at writing and school)
I love freeze dried strawberries

Tam you're heccin' adorable, oh my goodness!

ahhhh thanks dude you're hella great yourself man!

@Knight-Shives group

OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

I'm INFJ also


OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

That awkward moment when you’re trying to say that you can relate but you physically cannot relate

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have a scar on my wrist from my cat climbing the screen on the window and then the screen gave out so I grabbed her and she rabbit-kicked me.
I accidentally stole a rock from Door County
I almost dropped a book off of a ferry
I've eaten crab-ragoon pizza before and it was delicious!

That third one made my heart race.

Deleted user

OOOOOOOOOOh this is interesting!

  • I have the rarest blood type
  • I also have the rarest personality type (INFJ)
  • I have many tattoos (seriously you get addicted to the needle. idk what it is about it.)
  • I also have WAY too many piercings
  • Terrified of birds
  • Love the ocean but hate sand
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Hot Cheeto puffs

That awkward moment when you’re trying to say that you can relate but you physically cannot relate

I see. (I think)
This isn't even the weirdest shit about me. XD

@Becfromthedead group

I would eat lemons like oranges if they weren't bad for your teeth. (Flashback to a few weeks ago when I looked my brother dead in the eye and put a whole lemon slice in my mouth.)

Deleted user

I would eat lemons like oranges if they weren't bad for your teeth. (Flashback to a few weeks ago when I looked my brother dead in the eye and put a whole lemon slice in my mouth.)

I do the same thing. Lemons are food of the gods


-I used to work in a greenhouse taking care of orchids
-I will eat most anything you put in front of me
-I absolutely HATE the smell of curry (makes me gag!)
-I have performed in the MMEA (Mass) Districts Concert since I was in sixth grade (currently a senior)
-Despite not having much experience, I can make some pretty good food and desserts!
-I once broke a plastic mixer attachment while making cookie dough (they were Swedish sugar cookies)
-Whenever I travel somewhere, I have to know where all of the good places to eat are.
-I prefer swimming in a lake than the ocean, I don't like having to wash all of the salt off afterward
-Most of the time I listen to "regular music" i.e. classic rock that won't make people get up and leave, but I have a gigantic playlist of rock and metal that will challenge anyone who says they "listen to all kinds of music."