forum Tell Me a Fun Fact about Yourself
Started by @KalamariCakes

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The way I manage to get through my school work is by singing/screaming “The Lost One’s Weeping”, it makes me feel confident despite the morbid lyrics and helps me get through my math without losing my mind.


Let me see….
~ I kill my characters in my dreams (over and over again)
~ I always cry in my dream when a sad old person comes in just to make my Oc sad.
~ I am forced to catch ever snake that gets in our yard (I like it)
~ I literally restarted my 200 pg long book to a different POV
~ I danced on our 5 bee hives with my younger brother (maybe when I was 6)
~ When thirsty out in the woods, I drink from I ditch (not the best place… yes I still do it)
~ I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers.

@That One Walmart Spiderman

Let me see….
~ I kill my characters in my dreams (over and over again)
~ I always cry in my dream when a sad old person comes in just to make my Oc sad.
~ I am forced to catch ever snake that gets in our yard (I like it)
~ I literally restarted my 200 pg long book to a different POV
~ I danced on our 5 bee hives with my younger brother (maybe when I was 6)
~ When thirsty out in the woods, I drink from I ditch (not the best place… yes I still do it)
~ I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers.


Deleted user

I personally don't understand random tats. Why would you put something permanent unless you completely loved it and would forever?

none of my tats are random :) They're all incredibly meaningful to me and were designed by my mama. They tell my story…as painful and rotten as it was, but now its better and I have this amazing art to remind me of how I've grown as a person.


It takes me up to 20 minutes to walk a mile.

What the fricking how. I take almost an hour! not mentioning i have anemia or amything thay might hinder speed lmao


One time i had a migraine and panic atack simultaneously and it gave me some crazy ass side effects

  • i didnt know why tbe sky was blue
  • i couldnt recognize my own family
  • i couldnt move right
  • my skin felt timgly and like it was melting (i kept clawing at my face OvO)
  • I couldnt speak beyond a delirious slur
  • suddenly couldnt read

Deleted user

One time i had a migraine and panic atack simultaneously and it gave me some crazy ass side effects

  • i didnt know why tbe sky was blue
  • i couldnt recognize my own family
  • i couldnt move right
  • my skin felt timgly and like it was melting (i kept clawing at my face OvO)
  • I couldnt speak beyond a delirious slur
  • suddenly couldnt read

you sure that wasn't a stroke homie?????


One time i had a migraine and panic atack simultaneously and it gave me some crazy ass side effects

  • i didnt know why tbe sky was blue
  • i couldnt recognize my own family
  • i couldnt move right
  • my skin felt timgly and like it was melting (i kept clawing at my face OvO)
  • I couldnt speak beyond a delirious slur
  • suddenly couldnt read

you sure that wasn't a stroke homie?????

They did a scan of my brain and stuff, said i was ok. I just wasnt getting enough oxygen to my entire brain O_o

Deleted user

One time i had a migraine and panic atack simultaneously and it gave me some crazy ass side effects

  • i didnt know why tbe sky was blue
  • i couldnt recognize my own family
  • i couldnt move right
  • my skin felt timgly and like it was melting (i kept clawing at my face OvO)
  • I couldnt speak beyond a delirious slur
  • suddenly couldnt read

you sure that wasn't a stroke homie?????

They did a scan of my brain and stuff, said i was ok. I just wasnt getting enough oxygen to my entire brain O_o

jeepers….. that rough

Deleted user

One time i had a migraine and panic atack simultaneously and it gave me some crazy ass side effects

  • i didnt know why tbe sky was blue
  • i couldnt recognize my own family
  • i couldnt move right
  • my skin felt timgly and like it was melting (i kept clawing at my face OvO)
  • I couldnt speak beyond a delirious slur
  • suddenly couldnt read

you sure that wasn't a stroke homie?????

They did a scan of my brain and stuff, said i was ok. I just wasnt getting enough oxygen to my entire brain O_o

jeepers….. thats rough

@HighPockets group

I really want a Rebel Alliance symbol tattoo on my shoulderblade but I'm scared of pain and I've heard that tattoos are really painful so yeah.
I've gotten henna done at least once for the past 3 summers, always the same design: a Deathly Hallows on my left hand. (My library does teen nights in the summer where it's a massive lock in with henna art, movies, tattoos, and capture the flag intense enough to rival Camp Half-Blood's)
I once wrote a letter to American Girl asking them not to retire a doll whose story I loved (still do, actually, it's a good one!) and then wrote an essay on it for school. I was in 6th grade.
One of my friends calls me Sodapop
I collect tiny soaps (a lady sells them at a church fair I like going to and they're super cheap!)
I own a super old Samantha doll, a Pleasant Company one.
I also had a Pleasant Company Julie, which shouldn't be possible because she was made after Mattel bought out American Girl (sorry about the American Girl stuff, it was a big part of my childhood and my dad used to work for Mattel so I got a lot of discounted stuff)
I have a lifesize plastic skull that I named Yorick

@Knight-Shives group

It takes me up to 20 minutes to walk a mile.

What the fricking how. I take almost an hour! not mentioning i have anemia or amything thay might hinder speed lmao

I'm not allowed to go to slow or I will be late for work.

@The-Magician group


  • I have heterochromia in my right eye
  • I lucid dream
  • I create entire novels in my head before actually putting them down on paper
  • Coffee puts me to sleep rather than keeping me awake
  • I joined a choir when I was 9 years old and have been singing ever since

I really could go on but then I'd be giving too much away

Deleted user

  • I'm an absolute piece of musical garbage
  • I make obscure references
  • I came out through jokes
  • I need to get a fucking life

@HighPockets group

  • I'm an absolute piece of musical garbage
  • I make obscure references
  • I came out through jokes
  • I need to get a fucking life

This entire post is one hella big mood.

Deleted user

  • I'm an absolute piece of musical garbage
  • I make obscure references
  • I came out through jokes
  • I need to get a fucking life

This entire post is one hella big mood.

Also it describes me

@faltering-through pets

I'm scared of the dark.

Dude same I have an immense fear that something is gonna grab me and drag me to hell. I'm also terrified of lightning it downright scares the crap out of me

@faltering-through pets

Sammy used to be scared of the dark. It used to get bad. Anxiety attacks.

Yeah sometimes I get that, I usually listen to music to shake off the feeling and block out the noise but sometimes it doesn't work and I end up crying like an idiot