forum Tell Me a Fun Fact about Yourself
Started by @KalamariCakes

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@HighPockets group

My fiance and I often converse in the form of quotes from Jojo's bizarre adventure, and occasionally reenacting a thing or two (example, licking the other person's face and then shouting, "This taste is the taste of a LIAR, Giorno Giovanna!") So don't feel bad about overquoting stuff. I promise other people have done worse.

That's beautiful!!!!!!


I swear too! It really is an addiction

Really, Grandmama Eris The Fire Breathing B* * * * Dragon, uses swear words? I could never tell! By the way, it may not be very obvious but I'm a Christian.

Its okay to say Bitch.
My goodness. It is My title after all.
Trust me deary…It's been spotted.
(sips tea)

No it's not, this is a GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER

Deleted user

My fiance and I often converse in the form of quotes from Jojo's bizarre adventure, and occasionally reenacting a thing or two (example, licking the other person's face and then shouting, "This taste is the taste of a LIAR, Giorno Giovanna!") So don't feel bad about overquoting stuff. I promise other people have done worse.

This…..this is why I come to the internet

Deleted user

I swear too! It really is an addiction

Really, Grandmama Eris The Fire Breathing B* * * * Dragon, uses swear words? I could never tell! By the way, it may not be very obvious but I'm a Christian.

Its okay to say Bitch.
My goodness. It is My title after all.
Trust me deary…It's been spotted.
(sips tea)

No it's not, this is a GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER

As a non-christian….I dont conform.
(insert favorite cuss word here)


My fiance and I often converse in the form of quotes from Jojo's bizarre adventure, and occasionally reenacting a thing or two (example, licking the other person's face and then shouting, "This taste is the taste of a LIAR, Giorno Giovanna!") So don't feel bad about overquoting stuff. I promise other people have done worse.

That's beautiful!!!!!!



I swear too! It really is an addiction

Really, Grandmama Eris The Fire Breathing B* * * * Dragon, uses swear words? I could never tell! By the way, it may not be very obvious but I'm a Christian.

Its okay to say Bitch.
My goodness. It is My title after all.
Trust me deary…It's been spotted.
(sips tea)

No it's not, this is a GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER

As a non-christian….I dont conform.
(insert favorite cuss word here)

Instead of cuss words, we use Japanese pancake recipes, so バニラの1本のテーブルスプーン

Deleted user

I swear too! It really is an addiction

Really, Grandmama Eris The Fire Breathing B* * * * Dragon, uses swear words? I could never tell! By the way, it may not be very obvious but I'm a Christian.

Its okay to say Bitch.
My goodness. It is My title after all.
Trust me deary…It's been spotted.
(sips tea)

No it's not, this is a GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER

As a non-christian….I dont conform.
(insert favorite cuss word here)



Back to fun facts about me, when I was little I had trouble spelling my BFF's last name (I couldn't remember the i before e thing), so I used the word "friend" to help me remember. When I was little I also sorted my Goldfish crackers into ones with faces and ones without, then I ate the ones without faces first so the ones with faces could watch as all their friends die before facing the same fate themselves. I was such an interesting child!

Deleted user

(sips tea)

-I fixed it, you're welcome.

Fixed it back! Thank you!

Deleted user

Did anyone else do the thing were you smoosh the skittle before eating it?
Or rolling your fruit roll up into a giant ball and then stuffing the entire thing in your mouth?

XD Childhood. So weird.

Deleted user

(sips tea)

-I fixed it, you're welcome.

Fixed it back! Thank you!

Seriously. Can you NOT?

Deleted user

I did the second one… I'm not sure why though?

or the pointy S doodle???


Did anyone else do the thing were you smoosh the skittle before eating it?
Or rolling your fruit roll up into a giant ball and then stuffing the entire thing in your mouth?

XD Childhood. So weird.

I've done both of those things, I also rolled my taffy and Tootsie Rolls into long strings, braided them and wore them like bracelets. And then ate them off my arm while my mom stared at me with this weird look like I was losing it or something