forum So-But Stories (Forum Game)
Started by @Hey_Its_Snowy_And_Im_Generally_Confused

people_alt 39 followers

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So what?

(So so what, I'm still a rockstar, I got my rock m-arrgh! (Sibling comes from behind and thumps me with desk lamp because I can't sing very well.))

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But Arthur Dent fainted because plot and Derp just stood there.

@soupnana group

So Arthur Dent died from tea deprivation, and as he lay on the floor beside P!nk's body, his last words were, "A cup of tea would restore my normality."

@soupnana group

But he was put on Meme Review, and Felix didn't call Adam an absolute mad lad. That made Adam mad, and he unsubscribed to pewdiepie and subscribed to T-gay