forum Slytherin Common Room
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 13 followers


Oh god well he has two stages: Adult drunk gay uncle and closet gay emo af teen. Lemme go find them really quick and I'll just post the character sheets


Teen Matthias was such a pain to figure out, as I thought of him after the adult Matthias was made.

Name: Matthias "Matt" Romanark
Gender: male
Sexuality: very much gay
Age: 16
Appearance: long, wavy-messy black hair with side fringe, his normal eye color is dark forest-green eyes, dark skin, freckles across his cheeks and nose, black hoodie with ripped black leggings, gauges, black and yellow nail polish, will beat someone to a pulp if challenged but will feel extremely guilty afterwards
Personality: depressed and emo af, brings vodka to class in a clear water bottle to spite his annoying teachers, acts all tough-guy and hostile but is just lashing out, he is depressed, angry, and anxious cinnamon once left vulnerable
Other: Likes 'nesting' in random trees and sitting on things that aren't meant to be sat on

Adult Matthias was just a random brainchild and just kinda evolved from there.

Name: Matthias "Matt" Romanark
Gender: male
Age: (can range from 22-39 depending on what I'm doing)
Sexuality: very much gay
Species: human (mostly, canonically he's a super-human)
Appearance: He's 5'6" and 150 lbs with a thin, fragile-looking frame but has a very athletic build. Dark-tan/brown skin with freckles across his nose and cheeks. Fluffy black hair that's usually not brushed, dark-green eyes, tattoos on his arms and leading onto his chest, back, and shoulders.
Personality: He's pretty calm until angered, and then he becomes aggressive, like the Chill Drunk Uncle™. Blunt and abrasive but can be a softie. Sarcastic and witty with a dash of genius-intelligence. Chaotic-good/neutral and there seems to be a method to his madness. Organized chaos, only he knows where everything is but no one else does.
Other: Will attempt to literally climb anything if given the challenge and/or the opportunity. He keeps several special liquor flasks in different coat pockets and is usually drunk to some extent. Southern "Texas cowboy" accent and drawl


Yeah well I said one to this girl on my lacrosse team who seems like a gryffindor and she just kinda glared at me and walked away
it was a really good one too


so she came and she was like do you think my gloves are on point

and I said

I think they're on your hands