forum Slytherin Common Room
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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@Becfromthedead group

Tbh, I just need to pass chemistry, and I have no worries otherwise (although technically I don't even need to pass because it's an upper-level course and I already took basic chem)


Honestly elementary schools a challenge, you have to learn all the basics and then get those basics repeated for the next 10 years of your life


I hated school until 5th grade because I had my 5th grade teacher wrapped around my finger like I was allowed to paint on the window while every one else was doing math, then I got to 7th grade and everything changed when the fire nation attacked

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

I graduate next semester because I'm graduation early. I only have to pass one more AP Spanish class and an AP math class (and band because I'm not missing any years of marching band, even if my life depends on it!! XD) so next semester I'm going to be taking basically all music classes which is going to be soooo much fun!!

@Becfromthedead group

I've essentially been a college student for two years because I take many AP courses, not to mention I've always been kind of ahead of the learning curve for the most part, and I have spent 4 years trying to avoid high school drama and hating that some of the adults think they're better than me because they are older. Heck, last year I had a teacher who yelled at my class every day, called us stupid, and called people out for things that are supposed to be private (like grades, etc) in front of the class. I quit the class after having to fight the system. Needless to say, he wasn't allowed back. That's probably the most extreme example, but I just feel like a lot of the teachers at my school don't want us to do well. They just want to look good. (I'm sorry I'm ranting. Ahhhhh) Can't wait for college though.


Nice! just a tip, keep your reed moist in marching season, trust me, that is if you decide to take band in high school


Teachers make the class so if there not good then I am sorry, My sister had a science teacher that did nothing but show weird science videos in class every single day, it was an AP class too