forum Slytherin Common Room
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 13 followers


Most of the teachers at my school are pretty good, I mean there is that one teacher that sent me out of class for having an opinion but to be fare it was sort of my fault but she was asking for it, you cant say "I'm not going to talk over you" With out me saying "Ok guess I'll keep talking because you're kind enough to let me finish my conversation." or maybe that's just me being sassy…..

@Becfromthedead group

The thing is you weren't wrong… I don't think a teacher should punish a kid for being right, even if they are a little sassy about it, as long as they're not hurting anyone.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Most of the teachers at my school are pretty good, I mean there is that one teacher that sent me out of class for having an opinion but to be fare it was sort of my fault but she was asking for it, you cant say "I'm not going to talk over you" With out me saying "Ok guess I'll keep talking because you're kind enough to let me finish my conversation." or maybe that's just me being sassy…..

That's nothing XD, my math teacher hates me because I don't pay attention in her class even though I have an A and it's a weighted class so it's technically over what's considered an "A" and I failed this one math test twice in a row and she told the entire class, "You better pay attention because you've failed this test twice now." and I replied with, "Well, you've failed to teach me this dumb s**t twice now." Needless to say, I was sent to the hallway. I take my tests in the hallway too because I yelled at someone in a test for talking and after telling my teacher numerous times and having her do nothing, I finally snapped and was sent to the hallway for that too. Let's just say that my school doesn't like me very much. They say I speak my mind too often. I also go in trouble for being one of the people to plan my school's walkout last Friday (April 20th)


Just get them to trust you then learn the ways of the school so you can become a large influence. Then take over the school and get the rules changed so students feel safe and at home and feel as if they have a voice, then when your school dose really well you go around the country making speeches and starting a movement then you get the government to change school rules. After that you're set I mean look at Switzerland was it maybe it was Finland? they got rid of standardized testing and there students did a lot better then before, and what does the USA do …. make another test i'm sure that two of them will make students smarter


you seem to have found a flaw in my plan….. I know lets recruit the Hufflepuffs then they'll do the talking to get us into power because everyone loves Hufflepuffs


Guys what happened on the Ignore chat was freaky!
So there was this person with a Russian account who started talking about a harvest so Snowflake_Castiel asked what Harvest and they said of souls and they said something about unclean and coming for me and then they started sayin "he" was closer now and so Snowflake asked if they were gonna get killed and they said he was life and death then they said that their souls time was up farewell then they stopped posting and their account is deleted and it was WILD! I think its a troll…