forum Slytherin Common Room
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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@Becfromthedead group

It's unfortunate that so many of the Slytherins are literally made to be hated characters. I like Draco because he has redeeming qualities, and Slughorn too. Snape's a little overrated- not a bad guy, but he's really not a good guy either. Then you have Narcissa. But otherwise, many of them are depicted as bullies, snobs, or villains (And even some of the characters on that list have been one of those things). Considering Merlin himself was a Slytherin, I think the house has gone underappreciated. Not like Hufflepuff underappreciated, but more misunderstood, I guess?

@Becfromthedead group

Yes. I love Hufflepuff so much, and I will fight anyone who hates on them. Look, I'm a Slytherin, and it's probably my favorite house. I understand when people hate Slytherin, but when someone is anti-Hufflepuff, that's where I draw the line.

@HighPockets group

My best friend is a Hufflepuff, and somewhere in canon it’s mentioned that Hufflepuff and Slytherin are close houses, and Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, so you know there's this quiz out there with all of the Pottermore questions, and I'm apparently equal parts Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, so I'm very confused. I think it's best I just stick with Slytherin, because that was my original Pottermore house, and there's are really a lot of things I identify with that are Slytherin traits.


so any other Slytherins have to retake the test because the first time they purposefully tried for a specific house…?