forum Slytherin Common Room
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 13 followers

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Oh…. Looked it up, hockey, and that's pretty much all


A Fandom is a group of people who love certain books, movies, video games, music, etc. They are fans of those things and they have names for what the fans of those things are called. For example, Harry Potter fans are Potterheads, Doctor Who fans are Whovians, Star Trek fans are Trekkies. If you like something like any of those, you are automatically part of that Fandom.
That being explained, when someone asks if you're in a Fandom, they're asking if you like it!
(Hope you got all that.)

Deleted user

Hey, the flashlight, I would recommend you catch it.

Deleted user

Dude, she said, "Sure," she said tossing him the flashlight!


I know this is sort of off-topic but my best friend is a Slytherclaw so she doesn't know if she counts for this or not. She also refuses to type in the Notebook forums so yeah……

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This is being spammed with things about some RP that I'm not involved in… why