forum Sleep is overrated does anyone want to talk
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 11 followers


Sleep is weird in general, and don’t even get me started on dreams
I prolly have in every night, but never remember them? And the times I do remember them, I think I had them last night even though I know they were years/months/days ago
And mine never make sense, I always switch people, like one minute I’m this random person, the next I’m a different random person, then Ik e me. And the setting/plot always changes randomly, and the concept of time is basically not a thing
No one asked for this rant but here it is and sorry

@HighPockets group

Sleep is weird in general, and don’t even get me started on dreams
I prolly have in every night, but never remember them? And the times I do remember them, I think I had them last night even though I know they were years/months/days ago
And mine never make sense, I always switch people, like one minute I’m this random person, the next I’m a different random person, then Ik e me. And the setting/plot always changes randomly, and the concept of time is basically not a thing
No one asked for this rant but here it is and sorry

Yes! Yes! Exactly!


I wish I could lucid dream because then I could control my dreams and not have terrible ones
You know what I hate? Hyper-realistic nightmares