forum Sleep is overrated does anyone want to talk
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 11 followers


Thanks shuri
I’m just hollow
I’ve been writing depressing poems all day and trying to make myself feel but nothing’s working
And I’m collabing with a friend to make a song but I can’t enjoy it because I can’t feel


Aww… listen to some of your favorite tunes. Personally listening to depressing songs while depressed makes me feel better…?


When I'm sad I just sit in the dark and listen to depressing songs…cause like crying helps
Also I usually snatch some ice cream and have a feast…….


How am I? Why such a complex question, lol. Uh- I am not dead, neither happy nor sad, bored past death, not suppose to be awake. Yet here I am.


I dunno. I feel so unemotionless - I can care about others but when it comes to myself I'm just like, 'meh'. If that makes any sense.

@HighPockets group

I dunno. I feel so unemotionless - I can care about others but when it comes to myself I'm just like, 'meh'. If that makes any sense.

That's me in one post!