forum Sleep is overrated does anyone want to talk
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 11 followers


Uhhhhh…..depression, trick or treating, genderfluid rights, and cute girls.

I l Iike all of These things…

Depression can be cured by kitty bleps, as someone who works with cats trust me I know…

Trick or treating is fun.

Genderfluid people should absolutely have rights. No goddamn question about that…

Cute girls are cool as long as it's not just their looks and they have the personality to match (same goes for dudes but they're not my thing so I wouldn't know) and all.

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I'm not out to my parents and my mom just tagged me in a photo and labled me "Sweet little girl"

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I would usualy be fine with it.. but I'm sick, the only pjs I have clean is a night gown with bows on it and on to of that, It's a guy day