forum Sleep is overrated does anyone want to talk
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 11 followers

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I can't eat or drink anything
I can barely breath as it is
I'm about to get some essential oils

@HighPockets group

My friends invited me to trick or treat with them, but my parents are being assholes about it because based off a grand total of 1 time they saw us together, apparently they didn't 'include me enough'. They want me to go out with my school friends, but they don't get that I don't know then well enough to do that, and also that they probably wouldn't like them because not all of them are straight Christians…..


Aw I'm sorry that really sucks
If I was in your situation I'd just wear them down until I either convinced them they were wrong or got so sick of arguing that they just threw up their hands and said 'Fine!'

@HighPockets group

And they're acting like this 1 kid I know who doesn't hang out with my friend group does it because 'she knows she isn't part of their circle, unlike you' even though the reason she isn't included is because she's an absolute bitch to everyone and whines all the time, but yep. It's my friends' fault they'd rather hang out with people who are pleasant to be around….


god that's crappy I'm sorry
I have this one friend who is amazing but my parents hate her because she doesn't really like rules, they think that just because her parents are rude she is too

@HighPockets group

I mean, I joined them in the middle of a discussion and I asked what it was about, and one goes "Boyfriends" and another goes "Or girlfriends, since I'm bi" and other goes "And I'm 100% gay" and then the first one goes "We're not homophobic, I'm just upset my boyfriend is missing the play" and like I've never felt more connected to a group of people this big in my life!


omg that sounds amazing!
that happened to me too, or something along the lines of that anyways
lmao a few days ago a friend of mine was trying to guess who I liked and he kept guessing guys and getting it wrong, so I leaned in and whispered in his ear "You're guessing the wrong gender" and the look on his face was priceless I'm never going to forget that

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I came out to my friend accidentally, I was ranting about the rights of women and such and I said "What about Genderfluids huh? Do we get rights?"