forum Sleep is overrated does anyone want to talk
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 11 followers


I'm sorry everyone is so depressed. You guys ever try drinking a glass of warm milk and them taking a shower. Or cuddling with your pets and listening to your favourite songs. I recommend all four of these.


Oof sorry
You know what, you deserve to do whatever the hell you want sometimes, don’t hate yourself for watching one night of anime

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My parents got mad at me
they said. "Stop watching tv and go to sleep! I don't care if you're sick, you're going to school! Even if you have a fever!" So… yeah that happened.

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yup, so now I'm going to school
And I get to school by ging on a scooter
yup, a kids scooter

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Hahahahaha I have a test today so I know that that's not going to happen
my dad will just tell me to stick it up

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All my good tea is gone
I dont have any powder or anything….