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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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When i was younger i'd just moved to the U.S. and I had no clue what the pledge was and why they repeated it every morning so i just mumbled some gibberish and hoped no one noticed for like a year lmao

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Benedict Arnold whom?

kgjdfbdjh actually Benedict Arnold wasn't a traitor to the US. One, the US didn't fucking exist at that time. Two, he was a citizen of the British Empire. He wasn't a traitor, we just think of him as one because…"'Murica", I guess

I know lol I was just fucking around

I want to know.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

When i was younger i'd just moved to the U.S. and I had no clue what the pledge was and why they repeated it every morning so i just mumbled some gibberish and hoped no one noticed for like a year lmao

You can mumble literally anything and no one will notice. Anything.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

When i was younger i'd just moved to the U.S. and I had no clue what the pledge was and why they repeated it every morning so i just mumbled some gibberish and hoped no one noticed for like a year lmao

You can mumble literally anything and no one will notice. Anything.

Even the Communist Manifesto?
The Bee Movie script?


When i was younger i'd just moved to the U.S. and I had no clue what the pledge was and why they repeated it every morning so i just mumbled some gibberish and hoped no one noticed for like a year lmao

You can mumble literally anything and no one will notice. Anything.

Even the Communist Manifesto?
The Bee Movie script?

lmaoo i wanna try saying one of those during the pledge and see if anyone would actually notice


Right. So, in my neighbourhood, there's this family that I'm really good friends with, and they have a little five-year-old girl with whom I've been friends for like three years. She's the sweetest little bean ever and I just love her to pieces.
So anyway, because of corona I hadn't seen her in months, right? So I was at the local park a few weeks ago, and I was checking my phone, and all of a sudden I hear someone squeal my name. So I look up, and next thing I know she's hugging my legs, just so delighted. She was there with two of her siblings, who both came over and said hi, but she stayed with me the entire time I was at the park and just followed me around and would hold my hand and talk to me, and told me that it was "always the happiest time when you're here!" And I DIED. She is SO FREAKING ADORABLE.


I really don't want to say the pledge, because I'm kinda like Dom with this. I don't wanna actually pledge myself to anything. Plus it's kinda creepy. I have to stand or else I'll get bullied probably, but I stopped putting my hand on my heart (which I used to get negative attention for), and stopped saying it. In my mind, I'm standing for fallen soldiers/any other dead person in America who I wish to pay respect for, not for the stupid piece of colored fabric or our nation itself. So yeah I only stand out of respect for certain people, but no sir I'm not chanting my loyalty to some government. I'm not even old enough to exercise loyalty in any way if I had it. It's just weird.

Deleted user

Okay, so I went to two schools (or well, districts, technically-). Both of them the pledge was REQUIRED at, and the first I actually nearly got kicked out of for not saying it. I went to another school, in a different, more left leaning district, where the pledge was said every morning but I was by no means required to say it and neither was anyone else. Sometimes people might say it, other times my whole class would sit down, and that system actually worked way better than it being required, so idk. My parents were always fairly liberal (well my mom was at least, although she has her own shit still, and it took my dad a while to come around but after I came out to him he got better) nd my mom never made me say the pledge, and personally I think that the pledge is okay? But I don’t want to make anyone say it, and I certainly never will if I can help it.


That's whack you almost got kicked out. It used to be required in my district, along with the anthem, but now it has to be student led so there isn't any higher authority telling people to say it so we won't feel pressured… but the thing is the teachers tell the student leader to lead the students so it's really just an extra step. Most morning classes forget about it anyway. I haven't sung the anthem in years, they got rid of that.

Deleted user

That's is wack. At my school - I live in a really right-wing state, that's mostly farmers and corn - our principal comes over the PA and the whole school does it together, like a giant cult. It's honestly kinda creepy to me, when I think about it too much. Plus, I hate that we have to say "Under God." I understand being religious, but not all people are and they shouldn't have to say it. I just want it to be fair for everyone, but it's not. My district has even talked about putting daily prayers into practice, even though we're a public school and are in no way a religious school.

Deleted user

I used to live in Ohio, man. They’re weird.

I'm so sorry. I'm from Indiana, so I've been to Ohio several times, and I just want to say I'm sorry. XD

Deleted user

It’s okay I live in the UP now so it’s all good. Well, better than Ohio, these people are weird about their fudge. I’ve even got the accent for it lmao.

@Pickles group

I used to live in Ohio, man. They’re weird.

That feels like a your school thing, not an Ohio thing. I don't know anyone my age who's said the pledge since sixth grade and no one's gotten in trouble for it


It’s okay I live in the UP now so it’s all good. Well, better than Ohio, these people are weird about their fudge. I’ve even got the accent for it lmao.

I love the UP and their fudge is amazing.

Deleted user

I used to live in Ohio, man. They’re weird.

That feels like a your school thing, not an Ohio thing. I don't know anyone my age who's said the pledge since sixth grade and no one's gotten in trouble for it

Ah, you’re probably right.


Plus, I hate that we have to say "Under God." I understand being religious, but not all people are and they shouldn't have to say it. I just want it to be fair for everyone, but it's not. My district has even talked about putting daily prayers into practice, even though we're a public school and are in no way a religious school.

Right?? We have freedom of speech here, and freedom of religion, and that's just weird. And, if I'm being honest, it's a little offensive. I've always felt uncomfortable with that line tbh.
Although personally, I don't care much for the pledge, I never have, and now that I have discovered my calling as an Anglophile (lover of all things English/British/UK in general), I care about it even less.

@Pickles group

My district has even talked about putting daily prayers into practice, even though we're a public school and are in no way a religious school.

Isn't this…not legal???

Deleted user

Plus, I hate that we have to say "Under God." I understand being religious, but not all people are and they shouldn't have to say it. I just want it to be fair for everyone, but it's not. My district has even talked about putting daily prayers into practice, even though we're a public school and are in no way a religious school.

Right?? We have freedom of speech here, and freedom of religion, and that's just weird. And, if I'm being honest, it's a little offensive. I've always felt uncomfortable with that line tbh.
Although personally, I don't care much for the pledge, I never have, and now that I have discovered my calling as an Anglophile (lover of all things English/British/UK in general), I care about it even less.

It is offensive. I've also been uncomfortable with that line for a long time. I've heard there's been a lot of unrest around that certain line, and I hope it changes soon.