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and no, I'm in 8th grade, I just turned 14 on March 9th

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Just trying to save you some unneeded and unpleasant heartbreak dude. You're still going to face heartbreak, but we're attempting to help you save yourself. Learn the hard way if you want to, that's your choice, but please at least consider the sage and sound advice.

@tungsten fastfood

ah man finding the love of your life while learning prealgebra must be hard

I'm fking rolling Emi 🤣

It's so hard to take seriously I can't not make fun of it

@tungsten fastfood

ah man finding the love of your life while learning prealgebra must be hard

man finding x and your heart at the same time? tough

felt that, my xs are ganging up on my ys if you know what i mean 😔🖐️

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

stuff this

Hey man we're trying to help you out. All incoming freshman boys all have that particular I know everything and I can do everything vibe. Until they get completely rum rolled by someone older and wiser who gets all in their face and tells them how things really work.

@tungsten fastfood

it's also really fucking funny you think someone who is seventeen (prolly a junior or senior) and is ready to go off for college is your "true love"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Honestly they've got bigger priorities. I know I freaking do. Being engaged at 18 isn't the smartest idea, by a landslide, and it's hard, but I've talked with my SO and their family and they've talked with my family, and we've come to the conclusion that we are what we are. That's why we are choosing to wait for marriage. It's a huge decision to find "true love" as you so called it, and love really isn't all fun and good. It's horrible. It's painful and cruel, but it does have its happy moments.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Me earlier today: It's nice and sunny out! [Decides to go outside.]

Also Me: Dang, that wind is cold! [Goes back inside.]

Yeah me too. Except I was on a boat. In the middle of a river. Wishing I could go back inside. Catfishing in the cold is an interesting experience.