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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

You know what I'm not happy with?

Go to
It has it on there, but it's a week off rotation. It's 2 weeks behind instead of 1. There's also another site I use, but it only goes to season 7, episode 6… So it's waaayyyyy behind. But is your best bet.

Deleted user

Idk, a bit gruesome I guess. It's talking about a made up venom-thingy for my English class.


I also think Nora may get killed off this season… I just have that vibe… Have you seen the opening for season 8 yet?

I've seen the first episode actually, so yes.
I think All of team Juniper is going to get picked off eventually, all of their source materials die in the end.
When they killed Pyrrah they did it the same way her source character did well not exactly but they alluded to it. So Nora is going to die by poison, Ren is probably going to die by

and Juan is going to die by fire. becasue that's what happens to the source material.

@Space group

Idk, a bit gruesome I guess. It's talking about a made up venom-thingy for my English class.

It depends whether you want psychological horror (Brain dead option) or a more gruesome gory horror (blood explosion)
You will need to do more research to build a scientific explanation for the brain dead one, if it needs to be super detailed. Personally I think the blood explosion is better, but that's just me. I'd love to see the full story when you finish <3

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I also think Nora may get killed off this season… I just have that vibe… Have you seen the opening for season 8 yet?

I've seen the first episode actually, so yes.
I think All of team Juniper is going to get picked off eventually, all of their source materials die in the end.
When they killed Pyrrah they did it the same way her source character did well not exactly but they alluded to it. So Nora is going to die by poison, Ren is probably going to die by

and Juan is going to die by fire. becasue that's what happens to the source material.

Deleted user

So how has everyone's day gone so far?

Pretty well. yours?

No good. I have to take a Spanish quiz… That I didn't study for.

oh no
i pray for you-

Deleted user

hehhehe my ex boyfriend is accusing me of cheating and that the toxic relationship was my fault and that I deserved itttttt

hahah ur girlfriend going to snap at him and saying that he deserved what he got from you just by how he acted