forum Share the Most Vivid Dreams/Nightmares You've Ever Had
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

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@Anemone eco

Okay, so, a dream I had. Can't remember exactly when, but it found its way to my memories.

In the dream, I woke up. I'm surrounded by pink clouds and I'm just lying on this bed of all-white. The bed had curtains of white surrounding it, almost completely closed except for the sliver I could see through. So, as one would, I opened the curtains and decided to see what was beyond them. The sky around the clouds was an even more pastel pink.

I walked around, the clouds ever-so-slightly giving beneath my stride. It smelled sweet and was a truly blissful sight, though the sky around me began to darken into a static-like picture of black, white, and grey. A ringing noise started, getting louder and louder until the came to a sharp stop.

I woke up again within the all-white bed. Though this time there was someone next to me in it. Someone who I recognized. They appeared to be asleep, just nodding their head slightly back and forth as they dreamt with a smile.

They said to me in a faint mumble, "I love you, [my first name], you will never forget that." They proceeded to cling onto my arm tight and the ringing noise resumed. After a while, the ringing stopped again and I heard 'I love you' whispered one last time. Then I woke up.

@Kie group

(That's ridiculously beautiful??? I want my dreams to have actual meaning instead of just being mildly unsettling >:/)

@Mojack group

Here’s another dream I remember, i think this one was sleep paralysis though? It’s just the general situation of it is weird.

First dream - I’m in my old room in my bed. The door is open. I see light coming from the kitchen (because the moment you step from my room, you’re in the kitchen or dining room depending on where you step)
I’m still under the blankets, I can’t move, eyes wide open. I don’t think I blinked at all during this. I’m forced to look towards the door, in which something - a tall person, maybe a man, but very tall is standing in the doorway. His features shrouded by the darkness of my room, but I can see him only because of the light behind him. He’s unmoving, for around ten minutes or so, before I finally get ‘released’ and I throw myself under the covers quickly. Fall asleep after that.

Months later, in my current room now. Again, the door is open, so there’s just the stove light that you can see that gives off a little light.
This time, it’s like the same man from before. I can’t see any of his features, only that he IS STANDING DIRECTLY ABOVE ME, and I cannot move anywhere or look somewhere else, only stare up at the featureless body looming over my bed.
I don’t remember how long this one lasted or when I fell asleep but I haven’t had one of these experiences since. Kinda creepy that the guy moved closer though. I’m glad I haven’t had a third experience.

@Kie group

(I haven't had sleep paralysis and hopefully never do but how do people not completely break down after such things? Surely there's got to be some initial shock once you're released from it.)

@Mojack group

(I mean everyone reacts differently, I just know with the first experience I had a feeling of fear and even now just talking about it causes my heart to speed up. That’s the only time I’ve had it, if it even was sleep paralysis. I just covered myself up and tried to go back to sleep even though it was hard to breathe under the covers.)


Sleep paralysis is always interesting. It's creepy that even though the body was closer, there was still no extra detail.

I've only had it once, when I was 10-11ish? It was summer, and I go to bed early, so it was still pretty light in my room. I was trying to fall asleep when a super loud, basso voice started speaking, yelling really, maybe giving some commands. I couldn't understand because they weren't speaking English. I froze up and all I could do was stare at nothing, clinging to my covers. There was no one in my room, and the TV couldn't be that loud. Besides, why would my parents watch something in a different language? After a while, another voice responded, this one higher pitched than the first, but still very deep. They both seemed mad. They went on arguing at each other for a long time, barking at each other in a language I didn't know. After a while it must've stopped and I found a way to sleep. I was definetely in shock.

Some people have visual scares, others have the illusion of physical touch, and still others have strictly audial hallucinations during sleep paralysis. I've always been more of a "sound" person, so I understand why there were no demons or creepy shapes taking the voices' form. Still scared the shiz outta me.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Sometimes when I'm drifting off to sleep, my thoughts start to sound like other people's voices, and they get really loud and jarring. Several times I've heard what sounded like family members saying my name very sharply and angrily. I don't know why it happens, but usually I try to wake back up at that point because I have a suspicion that those voices often lead to bad dreams. shrug


Oo! Those are called hypnogogic hallucinations. They occur when you're falling asleep, and can most certainly be something like family or friends calling your name, doorbells ringing, dogs barking, and other sounds becoming distorted. Visually, you may think you saw something fall, or someone walk past.
A study once showed that people who played excessive amounts of Tetris would experience something called "The Tetris Effect". As the subjects were falling asleep, their hypnogogic hallucinations consisted of the game of Tetris playing before their eyes- Tetris blocks falling, faintly.

Sometimes, but more rarely, voices in your head "becoming real" may be your mind trying to transition from wake to dream.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

That makes a lot of sense lol, very interesting. So are those related to those really annoying dreams where, for example, you spent all day riding in a car so you dream that you're back in the car, driving all night? Or maybe you spent hours and hours in a complicated coloring book so all you see when you close your eyes is a half-finished coloring page? Those tend to be the least restful dreams in my experience.


Certainly, dreams and hypnogogic hallucinations are heavily influenced by your day to day, especially when something you experienced was tedious or important.


so I had another staple dream.

So two nights ago I decided not to go to sleep and pulled an all nighter, but last night I did go to sleep and had a kinda weird staple dream. So basically we were in a small room that was all green. And it was super plain, it was just four green walls, no door or anything. And human Staple was standing right across from me and he said, "you didn't show up last night, where were you?" then I said, "sorry, I didn't want to go to sleep." Then he just went "oh okay cool" Then the dream ended.

But this time I did get a better look at human staple, so he's about 6'2, his hair is wavy and just long enough to fall in front of his eyes, his skin is light grey, his eyes are grey, then he was wearing dark grey cargo pants, grey work boots, a light grey tank top, and those steampunk goggle things to keep his hair out of his eyes. So yeah, that's human Staple, I'm really surprised I remembered all that.


(You know pardon my fangirl but I read that and immediately pictured monochrome Leo Valdez?? Like I know that's not what he looks like but I am most certainly drawing him in suspenders too now lmao)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(This is starting to sound like an anime: A girl goes to sleep every night to see her one and only love: A stapler personified as a human that appears in her dreams. What adventures will the pair embark on next episode?)