forum Share the Most Vivid Dreams/Nightmares You've Ever Had
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

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Eeee the out of control part would scare me. A lot of people dream in third person often, and that's always weirded me out.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I haven't had a real first-person dream in quite a while, tbh. I kinda prefer third person pov actually, because it means I'm more like an onlooker rather than actually part of the dream–and my dreams can get pretty intense sometimes lol. The amount of dystopian/apocalyptic dreams I've had lately is insane, I'm kinda glad my sense of self isn't attached to any character within the dream very strongly. ^^;

@Toaster group

Here, have some subconscious concoctions.
Me, Alice Angel, Boris, and Barney Rubble were in a forest with these HUGE pine trees.
Alice was married to Barney for some odd reason, and flew away with him.
I had wings and could fly. The right was a black demon wing and the left was a white angel wing. I also had a halo and horns like Alice.
Boris was just watching me fly around and sit in trees.
Then when I landed again, me and Boris somehow teleported and were sitting in a booth at a restaurant, and Bendy was working the bar.
Turns out my cousin was sitting in the booth behind us. She turned and leaned over and started flirting with Boris.
I was like, 'nope! Ain't havin' none o' this!' and moved him to the other side of me. Then I shoved my cousin back into her seat and hugged Good Boi Boris.
Then, sadly, I woke up.


I had a dream where my uncle shot me and my sister. I had two bullet wounds in my upper stomach, but they scarred over immideatly. I wasnt able to tell if it was reality or not, unlike a lot of my dreams, but the first thing I did was text my discord groupchat about it. When I woke up I still couldnt immediatly tell if it was a dream, but once again, I texted my discord groupchat.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Last night I dreamed that Emi and I were in a house, and we were looking for the rest of the squad, we saw 'em in the house earlier, and when we got to the room where they were, it was a more attic-looking room, and we were like 'omg this house has magical secret rooms'
Then we realized
We went up an extra flight of stairs


I had the most confusing false awakening. The first dream started a bit more hazy and spazzy, not really following a story line. I went on a walk with my mom. It was evening and there were big national guard cars driving around. Soon, for some reason, everyone started cleaning out their garage, angrily. Like they were all yelling at the national guard driving by, and even each other. We walked out into the desert some, then some stranger lady caught up to us told my mom something. My mom got mad and said I didn't have to go home, but she needed to for some reason. I wandered around a bit. It was dark out now, with a small red moon making the clouds look bloody. It was a cool sight. I walked back to the neighborhood. I bumped into one of my friends, and he said something about riots and the city having new rules. We agreed to split up for some reason, I don't know. Riots started. In my tiny neighborhood, people threw things at these heavy duty cars, burning piles of trash in their front yards. Glass broke. Crowds formed. Flames everywhere, but still dark. Trucks and cars from the military screamed by.

Then I woke up. The second dream started with me in my room, but my room was in a tall apartment building. I felt like my first dream was too real to be fake. I looked out my window, and it was bright out. Down below, there were a bunch of people lined up at a station getting papers. I didn't know why, but the same friend from my dream was there, so I got dressed and ran down to see him. We met up, and he said the city had new rules and we needed these new papers, then he mumbled something about how stuff like this is why riots start. I asked him about last night, describing the riots, asking if they happened or if it was just my dream. He didn't really answer, just looked at me. The dream skipped forward in time. I was back in my tiny neighborhood, people throwing things at these heavy duty cars, burning piles of trash in their front yards. Glass broke. Crowds formed all over again. Flames everywhere, but still dark. The small blood moon staining the grey clouds. The military trucks and cars rolled by in the street, making their own wind. The only difference was that my friend was there, standing right next to me. He didn't seem bothered, he just looked at me and went "hm", almost like "oh hey, they happened just as you guessed it!".

Then I woke up. I was in my room, in my house like normal. I went up and got my phone like usual. Then I heard trucks and cars roll by. They were loud and tall enough to make shadows through my top window. The parade of clunky cars continued and I never thought to look out my bottom windows to see. It wasn't until they were just finishing driving by I questioned my reality. I thought this might've been the third dream, with those being the national guard's heavy duty cars. It's not. Just plain ol reality with a touch of delusion :)


I remember having a very vivid dream where it felt like I was in a life simulator game, but it was first person and it was me
And my brother had a gun and we were fighting, and I said "Shoot me, I dare you" or something
And he shot me
And then a game over screen or something came up with like, stats on my life, and one of the stats was Bitterness and it was hella high
But yeah, it felt real for some reason and I was legitimately scared that I had actually died
So that was exciting

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Okay, I just remembered how weird of a dream I had last night.
Everybody had these colorful ticket books, and you could go up to a painting, and a ticket would display a number. That number was the quality of the dimension the ticket would send you to. 1 was terrible, most tickets were a 1, and 5 was the best dimension, and were very rare. Lots of people who had books full of 1s would beg on the corners of streets. I didn't know what to do and awkwardly flipped the ticket books over.
I met a guy, and he had all 1s, but we became friends. He had to go, and he told me the name of the dimension he was going to, and I promised to meet him again. I went into a room that had a drive-thru window, and there were paintings everywhere on one wall. On another, there was one, and it was a picture of George Washington's face, with some red streaks.
I went into that one, and I was in a house. I was with some random family, and we were looking for a vacation house. They all looked like fairy cottage-style, and some were on lakes. We went for one that was on a lake, then we started planning our vacation. I woke up before we finished, though.