forum Share the Most Vivid Dreams/Nightmares You've Ever Had
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

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@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

idk just an idea

i'm not a dream expert or anything, maybe someone else here is and can offer up some meaning if they stumble upon this chat, but yeah. basically the ones you remember the most.

i have a bunch thanks to my shitty sleep schedule contributing to vivid dreams, but for now i'll just write out the most recent one i had, which was a few weeks ago.

In this dream, my girlfriend and i were in this huge tent in the middle of the countryside. It looked like a mix between the foothills of California, where my grandfather lives, and the forests here in Holland. For some reason, all of the nature was this weird red color instead of green. The tent kind of resembled the one in the Great British Bake Off, but empty, the floor being some kind of thick bouncy rubber. We weren't lost or panicking, I remember, but weirdly calm.

After a while of just laying there talking, we left somehow through the wall, and suddenly we were out next to a highway. A bright robin's-egg-blue car drives by and we run in front to stop it. The passenger side rolls their window down and the one and only Coldplay is inside. I, being a massively immense fan of this band, fangirl like crazy, to where I'm on the verge of tears. They get out of the car, leaving it in the middle of the road, and walk with us on a wooded path leading to a river that resembled the one I grew up visiting, and that was where I either woke up or forgot the rest.


@saor_illust school

oh this is easy
picture this:
a giant play structure
you know those ones we used to play on as little kids at school? during the thing called recess?
yeah that, but like,,, ten times as big
now, picture a little kid. actually, a ton of little kids, and they're going through this structure
but this structure is kinda aimed to be more like an obstacle course, so it just keeps on going and going…
of course there's a net to catch you if you fall, but once you fall it's not easy to get to the ground…

and there was a nightmare i had a couple days ago but i can't remember it very well anymore
its the first one ive had in awhile, so i was surprised. all i know is that it freaked me out.
i think there were little creatures involved in it or something. but i got legit scared by whatever was happening in the nightmare.


oh this will be interesting I have some weird ass dreams lol

So a few weeks ago I was in a musical and right before the opening number I accidentally stapled my fingers together, so then I had to rip out the staple and stop all the bleeding before my entrance, so that was kinda traumatizing. But ever since that happened I've been having these really weird dreams filled with staplers? So in my dream last night there was a stapler, and it was a talking stapler obviously lol. And I just introduced myself then he told me his name was Staple the Stapler. Then he asked me if I wanted to hit his staple flavored juul and I was like, no im good staple flavored juul doesn't sound very good right now. Then Staple got angry and started chasing me around and trying to staple me. Then my director of my show walked in and was like, betsy stop doing drugs with a stapler you have to go onstage. And I was like, I wasn't doing drugs clearly im trying to escape Staple right now. Then my director turned into a stapler and they both started chasing me. Then they cornered me and were about to staple me when post malone walked in and the staplers disappeared. And I was like, oh hey whats up posty. And he was like, nothing much just saving people from staplers wanna help? Then we went around saving people from staplers and the dream ended.

That was fucking weird lol.

@The-Magician group


There was one dream I had (a few months ago now) where it started in the past, and the past was all colourful and all the ladies wore these beautiful 50s vintage dresses. Well it was set outside in a park, and the soldiers who had returned from war were sat on white foldable chairs while some of the women were performing on stage. I was due to go next, but then I heard like a narrator. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but the narrator was talking about his time in the war, and someone was interviewing him. He looked tired, dirty.

Suddenly I’m part of the audience and watching the performers, when the narrator starts showing his flashbacks from the war. I realised then that the narrator was the only one who had survived.

It switched back to the present, still in the same place with the soldiers and performers. Everything turned grey. The sky was white, the soldiers were fighting. Their enemies had found them and were killing them. Just as one was about to slaughter two soldiers, I kicked him out of the way long enough for the two soldiers to make their escape. Another enemy came up behind me and knocked me down, then he had a large metal pipe and pushed it down on my stomach until it killed me. The carnage that was left behind was the story the narrator was telling his interviewer.

I woke up (irl) and my stomach was in a lot of pain.


I actually had one about Notebook. I've only been in the forums for about a week now (I think? What is time?) and about two days after I started getting to know everyone, I had a bad dream about someone named @Ergos-is-(something, idr), or maybe it was @Ethos-is-(something, idr).

They aren't/weren't real, but we were all talking to them in the venting chat. They could be rude sometimes, but we all liked them. They were suicidal and we were all trying to support them. They, unfortunately, lost their battle with suicide and died that night. We all kinda stopped posting in the chat and said a surreal, solemn goodnight to each other. I plugged my phone in and went to bed sad and confused. The dream ended.

When I woke up in real life, I thought what had happened was real (not uncommon for me), and I got sad again. I worked through it and figured out it was just a dream (again, not uncommon for me), but still, all day I carried a real sense of loss like I lost someone (that's fairly rare). I couldn't shake the feeling for a while. But yeah. It was vivid.

It wasn't based on real events or or people or anything, because again, I had that dream like a day or two after joining the forums. I barely knew you people. Bummed me out for a bit.


Well there's this one that I had when I was like six. I dreamed that my dad was going to get arrested and I had to team up with the Little Einsteins(again, I was a smol child) to prove he was innocent. I don't remember much else but it scared me a lot and the fact that I still remember it is kind of weird.

More recently(last night), I dreamed that I was a demigod on a quest with several characters from the PJO/HOO series(I remember Jason was there, Grover drove our weird van, and Annabeth had a gun). Most of it wasn't super vivid except for one part at the end. The monsters chasing us looked like real humans and tried to shoot us in the area where the busses pull into my school at one point, and we were eventually captured but not killed for whatever reason. Anyways so we're standing there like "what are we gonna do what are we gonna do we failed our quest what are we gonna do" and one of the monsters gets close and is taunting us and he goes to poke me in the face. I'm pissed off, of course, so I smack his hand away and he goes to try and hit me. A crowd had been gathering nearby and(this is the super vivid part) out of it bursts MY MOM and she PICKS THIS SUPER BUFF GROWN-ASS MAN UP BY THE SHIRT COLLAR AND IS LIKE "DON'T YOU TOUCH MY FUCKING DAUGHTER" AND ALL OF US DEMIGODS JUST START BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM then Annabeth grabs his gun and just straight-up fuckin shoots the guy in the head. Then the dream ended and I sat up in my bed for a solid five minutes processing it.

There was also the time that I had a nightmare about this guy shooting up my Homecoming dance. A lot of people were in the locker rooms trying to escape him and it was terrifying and vivid as hell. And the night that I dreamed it was the night before the actual dance. Guess what happened at the dance?? The guy had a weapon. Thankfully nobody was hurt but I was scared shitless.


Okay now I gotta share another dream cause I guess me and @Cloudy-On-Quarantine had the exact same dream?

So it was the night after my eighth grade dance and at the dance someone brought a gun and threatened to shoot us but the police got us out in time so it was fine. Haha, trauma, yay. But that night I had the same exact dream??? Like I dreamt I was at prom and someone started shooting so we ran to the bathrooms and hid there. And same, it was so fucking vivid? Im so confused how we had such similar dreams lol?? wack.


I had this dream once where I fought a mall shooter in wig store while my mom and sister had tea and watched an AC/DC concert

@Kie group

(Anyways I just wanna know how people manage to have interesting dreams?? I normally just dream I'm being chased by a serial killer to the point that when I wake up I'm not even shaken. I just turn over like "Back to bed.")


(It's kind of weird but whenever I sleep on my back I usually have weird dreams. Also whenever I take melatonin)

@Starfast group

A couple years ago I had this dream that I was going to this boarding school on "Vancouver Island." In quotation marks because the island looked more like the one that the Dursleys moved to in the first Harry Potter movie. The only way to get there was in this rickety boat and it was super stormy so there were huge waves, but that wasn't really the scary part. Every now and then this spider would run across the room and it always sent everyone into a panic (like, people would stand on tables so they wouldn't have to be near it).
Every time the spider came out it would get bigger. The first time it was slightly bigger than a daddy long legs. Second time it was more the size of a tarantula, etc. The final time it came out it was like the size of a small dog. For some reason, the last time it came running out it came right at me, and for some reason I couldn't moved and the spider jumped up to my neck and somehow had me pinned to the ground. It started biting my neck and a bunch of people were just standing there watching it happen.
When I finally woke up I still felt like the spider was on my neck. I'm terrified of spiders this was like the worst dream I ever had.

Also, I wasn't going to bring these next to up but since @Cloudy-On-Quarantine and @"betsy.cant.write" mentioned school shooter dreams so I guess I'll share mine.
I've had two school shooter related dreams (and I've definitely mentioned at least one of them on another thread). But basically, the first one I was in the library in my elementary school with my friend and suddenly we went into lockdown but some kids wouldn't stop talking so the shooter heard them and came in.
The shooter in this dream was a Japanese girl dressed in cyberpunk style clothes and she was super giddy. Like she kept giggling, clapping, and jumping up and down. It was so unsettling. Anyways, she started doing eenie meenie miney mo to decide on who she was going to shoot first. Don't remember who she landed on, but I woke up before she shot anyone.

The second one started out like a typical weird dream, then got super dark. I was the teacher, and my classroom looked like the treatment room at the vet clinic where I was working (all the kids were sitting at treatment tables instead of desks, and my desk was the dental table). I was teaching the kids about animals and for some reason bought betta fish for each kid to take home.
I was handing out the fish when there was announcement that there was a shooter in the building, but the shooter came into our class before we had the chance to do anything. The shooter in this dream looked like the hearse driver from the movie Burnt Offerings (Which is a super old movie. I've only seen part of it, but the hearse guy still haunts me. Here's a link for anyone who wants to find out how unsettling that is. There's no jump scares here, it's just really creepy imo).
Anyways, this shooter came prepared with a list of students that he wanted to kill which is super fucked up because they were all like grade 1 or 2. He called up the first kid (I don't remember his name, but it was super weird and I remember thinking it sounded like a drag queen name but that's not important).
I start freaking out because I'm the teacher and I can't let my students get shot. The shooter is trying to coax the first kid out of his hiding spot (we were all under the tables) and I had this weird thought where I was just like "stay calm, you've been through this before." And I don't know how I knew that was a reference to my previous school shooter dream, but I did and then I had this other thought were I was like "If you wake up now, you can save everyone."
And so I just like, woke up? It was really weird, but I woke up from both dreams feeling super terrified.

TLDR, I had a dream where I was attacked by a giant spider, + 2 more school shooting dreams the second of which got really weird and meta towards the end but was still terrifying regardless.

@Kie group

(The Japanese Cyberpunk girl probably would've sent me into a panic attack when I woke up. The description of her is unsettling enough, but the eenie meenie miney mo to decide who to shoot is just wholly disturbing.)


(Damn I guess everyone really do be having shooter nightmares. And yeah the first one is definitely super disturbing but?? Imagine trying to stay calm as the shooter's trying to coax a first-grader out of their hiding place like "Come on little Timmy, it'll be quick I promise" or something. God I'm scared just typing that)

@Starfast group

(Yeah idk why I've had so many school shooter dreams? I don't really have nightmares very often and those dreams happened within about 5-6 months of each other. I don't know what was going on in my subconscious that made me have 2 school shooter dreams it's weird that I had two in such a short time period. Hopefully I don't have any more because they were both awful)

@Kie group

(The most I can ever really remember about a dream is how it made me feel. For example; Last night's dream was plain weird but I couldn't explain to anybody why.)


(Unfortunately, in America at least, school shootings are something that's always in the back of our minds due to the commonality of the situation and the pressure and fear it evokes. We see it in the news. We do the lock-down drills. Part of the purpose for dreaming is doing test runs on possible real life scenarios, like training to see how we'll react, so it makes sense we'd dream about school shootings. A few days before we were sent home for the COVID crisis, someone was leaving bullets and bullet cases in the boys bathroom. No one was supposed to know about it, so there wouldn't be panic, but I was friends with one of the people who found them, so he told me. There was a little extra security down the hall with that bathroom, but no lock downs. I think if we hadn't been quarantined, whoever was dropping the hints would've done it.)