forum Share the Most Vivid Dreams/Nightmares You've Ever Had
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

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@Kie group

(Yikes. My school has seen threats and such but I've never had dreams about any of those things. I guess it just varies with people.)


Ok I had a really weird dream last night so I feel like I gotta share

So I woke up in my dream and I went to go take a shower. But when I opened my shower curtain fucking Staple the Stapler was in there. And he started screaming at me to get out and that he was embarrassed that I saw him showering. Then I told him that staplers don't wear clothes so why would he be embarrassed? Then he just looked at me and said, oh shit you're right. Then the shower got super foggy and when the fog cleared he wasn't there anymore. Then I actually woke up.

It was so weird.

@Kie group

And include illustrations so I can smooch him. This is hopefully obviously a joke? Don't kill me? If Staple has a wife/girlfriend I'm definitely stealing her though.


now im really temped to make Staple fan art lol I feel like you should know that in my dreams Staple kinda gives off fuck boy vibes ahahahah

@Anemone eco

^^^ That's what I'm doing. Let's a-go.

I was seven years old at the time. And in my dream, I was bouncing on this banana yellow trampoline. In the centre was a relatively small navy blue circle with a white star in it. As I was bouncing, I heard whispers. They said "this one's gonna die," and "he'll miss these days." It genuinely confused me, but I decided to shrug it off. Not too long after, an extremely large hand pushed out of the darkness and enveloped me completely and I woke up.

I didn't think much of the dream until one night. I went to sleep and I saw the exact same trampoline. But this time, it was tattered and ripped. It couldn't be used anymore. I remember feeling disappointed. But I still didn't wake up. I was still in the dream and I didn't know why. I began to walk closer to the enormous trampoline. I found myself tracing my hands over its cold, metallic legs. As I was doing so, a whisper suddenly arose. "

Do you miss it?" it asked me. I was at first frozen still, but the voice continued.

"Don't you know what this is?" it inquired. I shook my head slowly, for I had no idea what it was. I'd never seen the trampoline before except for in past dreams.

The voice sighed deeply. Its sigh rumbled the room. I had no clue where te voice was even coming from. "Listen," it instructed, "I'm afraid your time has been cut short. You know what this is. It is in your brain and in your heart. You must dig for it." As the last words echoed out, I woke up and I haven't remembered a single dream since.

(There's one)

@Kie group

(That sounds cool but also haunting in like a beautiful way? I wish my dreams even scratched the surface of interesting.)


"You know what this is. It is in your brain and in your heart. You must dig for it." As the last words echoed out, I woke up and I haven't remembered a single dream since.

This is the part that bothers me


@CrackpipeDreamer okay that's kinda terrifying, I love how im out here dreaming about fucking staplers while you're having these serious prophetic dreams lol

@Mojack group

Hmm which dream should I begin with
The nuclear incident (at least that’s what I think happened) or the spaceship murder mystery
Think I’ll go with the nuclear one first because that’s the older one

So the nuclear incident one was a few years ago. But it’s one of those dreams that stood out to me, seeing as I remember it without having to write down much. Like many of my dreams, it took place from a first person perspective - I could look down and see myself or whoever I was for the dream, I could see my hands, legs, etc. But this time I was dressed in some type of suit. Like a protective suit; you know, the ones they might wear in the movies, where they go into a dangerous environment? And I wasn’t alone. All around me, people in these suits. We were walking in silence on fields of green grass. I could not see any features of their faces, same for myself meaning I had no means of identification if I was truly myself in that dream. With a track record like mine, I probably wasn’t.

Eventually, we came across this steep hill. There was no communication between us, it was almost as though we knew we had to go to the top.
The climb was hard, steeper as we went further and further. But eventually, we reached the top. We did not see the healthy grass, but dying, greyed out grass and the once blue skies were no more as they too, had become grey and kind of greenish? Like before a tornado almost.

Ahead of us was a city, or whatever was left of it. I began to walk over there, joined by the rest of the people. The buildings, charred and broken down. Aged, yet no plants had overgrown them, since all of the surrounding environment was dead. Honestly, I was surprised I didn’t come across any bones.
But then, I drifted away from the group. For some reason I was lured to an area, to which I saw something laying on the ground. I kneeled down and picked it up, inspecting it. It was like a furred creature, a mammal of some sorts? I couldn’t identify what it was, but it was dead for sure.

And then the dream ended at that part.

@HighPockets group

Oh, I had a school shooter dream too. I was at some college campus for a convention or something with Emi, Red, Reed, Eris, and Moxie, and we all had cupcakes for some reason? But then the alarm went off and we all had to hide under a desk. None of us died though, which was good.