forum Share the Most Vivid Dreams/Nightmares You've Ever Had
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I don't remember much about last night's dream, but I remember trying to explain to my mom why a character was 90.
Like… not even anything else about him
Just why, using simple logic, said character had been on the planet for 90 years.


Not a dream, but I woke up in the middle of the night to multiple men/teenage boys talking over each other somewhere close to my bed. I freaked out, because why are so many people in my room, and why are they arguing? As I became more and more awake, the voices morphed into a weird distorted shrilling and then into birds chirping. I realized it was just the birds outside my window. My brain automatically tried to hear it as voices before I could process it as birdsong (is what I figure). Twas wack.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

OH I had a dream like that once where I thought my mom and sister were frantically cooing like doves somewhere outside my room. When I opened my eyes, I realized the sound was coming from my window, where our cat was dragging his paws and claws across the glass. Weirdest fricking sound I ever heard.

@chaos_generator_13 language

So, it's not the worst dream I've had, but it's up there.
Me, my best friend Andrea, and my little brother are in the woods in the dark (Two of my worst phobias, PERIOD), and for some reason, we're running from something. Every time i turn around, my vision starts to go fuzzy, the farther I turn. Finally, i stop running, and I turn around completely.
What i see is this thing. That's the only way to explain it. It looks huge, and i can almost smell rotten meat on it''s breath. The worst of my phobias is snakes. This thing look like Satan and a Nagi (Snake person) had sex and made a baby, which was raised by the Quasimodo in hell. At this point, I was woken by my twin sister punching me to wake me because I was yelling.
Our minds come up with some messed up shit, right?

@Kie group

Messed up shit indeed.

I had a dream last night that wasn't messed up, just… odd from I can remember? It was set up like I was talking on forums except everything was black and white, without anything to determine what site I was using in the dream. Everything was older posts (pre-2015 dates I think) but eventually, two people started a chat and I ended up talking to them? It was all trivial conversation like "WYD?" but I woke up and just couldn't shake a weird feeling.


So I had another Staple dream but this one was really weird and kinda cryptic idk?

So I was in this weird kinda abandoned war base (idk how to explain it) but it looked like there had been a war there like 20 years ago, so it was all run down and dark. So I walked around looking for other people but I couldn't find anyone. Then I got worried because I didn't know where I was and I couldn't find any other people, so I started running from room to room hoping to find something. Then I found this door that was in perfect shape (cause the rest of the building was all crumbling and breaking) so I opened it. And inside it was really dark and dusty so I couldn't see very far but I could just make out a throne that was in front of me. So I walked up to the throne, which was really big and dark, and when I sat in it all of the lights came on. It was some kind of football stadium that I was in and there was nothing there except the giant throne in the end zone. Then I heard a ton of loud noises that kinda sounded like really big gears turning then from the rafters of the stadium a ton of skeletons were lowered down on ropes. And obviously I was terrified and I wanted to get out of there but for some reason I couldn't move so I just sat there and watched the skeletons get closer and closer. But then some guy started running at me from the other side of the field and he was yelling at me but I couldn't hear him. So then when he got closer he was like, Betsy we need to get out of here now they're coming. And obviously I was really confused but then I could move again so I followed the guy and we ran towards the stands in the stadium. Then we kept running until we were in the locker rooms and then we sat down to catch our breath. So then I was able to get a good look at him, and he was like a foot taller than me and he looked like a normal 17 year old guy except his skin was a little bit grey and his hair was like a shinny dark grey, and he was wearing like a weird apocalypse/steampunk outfit that was all different shades of grey. But for some reason I had this weird feeling that I knew him, but I couldn't place who he was exactly. So then he looked at me and said "you should have never taken the staple out" then I was really confused but for some reason I started talking but it wasn't actually me talking it felt like I was being forced to talk and I said "I had too, they would have died if I didn't" Then he looked at me like he was confused and said "they're forcing you to talk aren't they?" and then I tried to talk again but this time it felt like I was actually myself taking and I was like "yeah they are, I need your help, get them off of me". Then it seemed like he was about to say something but then he saw something behind me and looked terrified then started running out of the locker room. Then I looked behind me and there were like 20 skeletons that had descended on ropes from the ceiling, except this time one of the skeletons had been fully lowered down and had grabbed on to me. So then it felt like I was being controlled by the skeletons and they made me say "I had to take the staple out, I will always take the staple out" and then I just started chanting that over and over while more skeletons grabbed on to me. And at this point I was fucking terrified but all I could do was keep chanting, and I was really scared that the guy had just left me. But then he ran back in to the locker room but this time he had a stapler in his hand. And I started chanting louder and louder but he yelled over me that I had to close my eyes, so I did. Then there was this really bright flash and I felt all of the skeletons get knocked off of me then I opened my eyes and Staple was standing in front of me. Then he grabbed my hand and stapled my fingers together (also reminder that in real life like a month ago I actually stapled my fingers together and Staple had stapled me in the exact same place) Then after he stapled me I asked him "So you're Staple?" and he was like "yes watch, close your eyes again" Then I closed my eyes and there was another bright flash then when I opened them it was the grey guy again. And he said, "See, its me, Staple!" then he grabbed my hands and looked right in my eyes and he said really urgently "find Reagan and Kingsley, they will help. I'll see you next time, be prepared."

Then I woke up, and I had a really weird urge to staple my fingers together and find who ever Reagan and Kingsley are? So yeah that was probably the weirdest fucking dream I've ever had and now I still have this weird feeling that Im supposed to do something or something bad will happen.

@Mojack group

Here’s one of my other (more recent, a few months ago) dreams that I remember. This one is called Spaceship Murder Mystery
why does autocorrect keep putting ‘a’ in front of certain words??
This dream is really short compared to my other ones.

So what I can remember is that I was on a big ship of some sorts. Like a cruise ship but in space (though it most def didn’t look like a cruise ship, just using it as an example). I rarely dream as myself, so I have no idea if I looked like myself in this dream since I didn’t even see a reflection of myself in the dream. Also didn’t learn any details about the character I dreamt as aside from the fact I was on a spaceship where only rich people got on so I ca assume either I was rich or a rich person got me on.

So it started out normal, until one of the passengers went missing. And people started to question. To conspire. We later ended up learning from one of the crew members that someone was an alien and aboard the ship, killing people. This alien could shapeshift to look like anything it needed to.
So eventually, it ends up with me going to my room, turning off the light and locking the door and going to bed in my dream. And then I hear someone knocking on the door, so I get up and they tell me (I’ll also make another note, I did not say anything whatsoever in this dream. No words at all, didn’t make a sound) that they heard something in one of the nearby rooms and they’re going to check it out with two others. I come along, for whatever reason.

So we’re walking in a dimly lit hallway, until we come across these big doors. We open them, and the room within is brightly lit. The lights hadn’t turned off in this room yet. I can see a window to the outside (aka space). There’s a lot of spots in this room you can hide behind and wait for someone to round the corner.
Now this next part here seems really drawn out, but in the dream it was only around 3 seconds.

I turn the corner, alone, and I’m presented by the former inhabitants of this room, but they don’t look much like a human anymore. And they’re not the alien, either, they’re just dead. I’m talking really vivid, descriptive gore here. I could describe it, but I don’t really want to, so I’m just going to say there was a lot of red and organs not where they were supposed to be.

I then hear a loud screech, like a jump scare noise, and I wake up from the dream (for real.)

That’s it. I’ll never know who the alien is.


(Same I desperately want to make Staple fanart this is getting s p i c y also Betsy I stg this sounds like something straight out of a book, are you sure you're not a protagonist or something???)

Also! This is kind of gross and maybe oversharing, so fair warning. Just something that happens to me once in a blue moon and I'm kind of curious if anyone else gets this? Hasn't happened in a while but sometimes I guess I need to use the bathroom but my brain takes the "hey we need to pee" message from my body and turns it into a dream? And then you can put together what happens. Idk, just wanted to see if anyone else's weird brain does this too. Again, might have been oversharing and tmi, so if you regret reading that then I'm sorry.


It's actually one of the most common dreams! Irl, you need to pee, so in the dream you start looking for a bathroom or somewhere private. A lot of people describe it as not being able to find a bathroom, not getting enough privacy, not sanitary enough conditions, people are watching you in the stall/urinal, or only finding bathrooms you aren't supposed to use. Eventually, you wake up and promptly relieve yourself, or in very rare cases, one might do so without waking up.