forum Self-Quarantine
Started by @Anemone eco

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@Anemone eco

Day 3: I sat around alone all day. It was kind of saddening which is odd. Idk. I can hardly remember anything aside from that. I think I drew something. I don't. All of my days have just been blending together at this point. shrug

@Pickles group

Day Five update: watching A Gurl's World for the fiftieth time because one of the songs got stuck in my head and my brain thought the solution was to rewatch the whole show

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day 5:
Browsed Pinterest
Made an absurd amount of cookies
Went on a walk in an instant ramen hoodie and flip-flops because I can
Absentmindedly said hi to every bird/squirrel I saw and I can inform y'all that the bravest birds in my area are robins. Starlings are in the middle, and sparrows are cowards.
I'm losing my mind
Cried over a fictional character again
Became possessed by a cat


Day 7 (I’m assuming) of self-quarantine:

I forgot how to draw

My parents bought a heck ton of seeds/plants so I can now officially say I live on farm and not just a house in the middle of nowhere with a barn

My chinchillas are taking a very intense dust bath so I might have to upload some footage later

We came to the realization that my baby sister’s birthday is in about a month, and we likely won’t be able to get her gifts, so my polymer clay should finally come in handy-

I’ve been in pajamas all day. they aren’t even real pajamas. they’re inside out leggings and an undershirt with my pugicorn blanket tied around my neck like a superhero cape. Peak fashion if you ask me.

and I still can’t draw

@Anemone eco

Day 4: I can't remember much of anything. But then again, my memory has been failing me a lot anyway.
Day 5: Played games, drew something, contemplated singing, didn't sing, tried writing, failed. That's about it.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day 8… I think? Yeah day 8:
My History teacher gives us lessons via Zoom screenshare so I can just chill and when he asks if we're ready to move on I just take a screenshot and for the test I'll just crop the screenshots and put them all on one Google Doc


Day 10 of self-quarantine:

I asked my mom to call my phone so i could find it. that's all i asked. How that turned into deep cleaning my room, moving my bed, reorganizing everything i own, washing all my sheets, cleaning moldy flower petals, and then being left to fend for myself is still unknown.