forum Self-Quarantine
Started by @Anemone eco

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@Anemone eco

Idk what tf to put here, so uh… yeah whatever. Y'all know why you're here.

@Pickles-Is-Not-Excited-For-Online-School, @Ash-is-mourning-a-fictional-character, @UnseelieKing-ThePoliteAnarchist

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Self-Quarantine Day 2:

Started online school, going okay-ish

Have a water bottle that makes me drink a certain amount of water each hour, I gotta stay hydrated

My brother was blasting Megalovania earlier

Everyone in my family is at home so this is not gonna end well, let me tell you.

@Pickles group

Self-Quarantine Day 1, Day 1 2.0, Day 1 3.0 (Since Friday. Collectively. I don't remember what happened when)

Watched a ton of YouTube movies

Tried to have a 24 hour readathon, failed miserably

Practiced flute

Kind of cleaned

Did online church

Procrastinated everything

Cried about Disney trip

(Foolishly) rejected the option to leave the house, not wanting to go to Kroger

Spent forever wanting out

@Anemone eco

I believe I have finally started the self-quarantine, so Day 1: I've eaten breakfast for the first time this year. And I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with.

@HighPockets group

Day One: I went to an excessive amount of book stores and got The Priory of the Orange Tree (dummy thicc), Station Eleven (relevant) and a LEGO set to keep me busy. It's a ghost diner and I love it.
Day Two: Slept until 11, walked to the library without my discount Holden Caulfield hat and my ears hurt, had a coughing fit in the middle of the sidewalk but it's fine, forgot my library card and sat around at the library awkwardly until my dad could bring it, saw my former? crush and a friend I made at NaNoWriMo. Bought a copy of The Fountains of Silence because I didn't want my coupon to be wasted. Got a slushee.

@Pickles group

Day Two:
Had leftover brat for lunch, a piece of bread with peanut butter for breakfast.
Went outside looking like a friend to take the mail to the mailbox. Outside is amazing
Was very confused about what we're doing before calc
Currently watching full house

Deleted user

Day two: I'm re-watching an entire series, almost done with the first season.

@saor_illust school

(My quarantine officially started on Friday! Funnnnn)
Quarantine Day One: Did absolutely nothing all day

Quarantine Day Two: Had one singular productive thing. Also got to go out with friends!! :DD

Quarantine Day Three: …I don't even think I've gone outside today. At least I was outside for a little bit on Friday.

@HighPockets group

Day Three: I slept late, went on Notebook, agonized over a very easy assignment, posted some writing on here but chickened out and deleted it, then went to Woodmans for 2 hours.

@Anemone eco

Day 1 update: Played Super Smash Bros. almost all day. Watched a lot of some Youtube. Photoshopped a raccoon with purple hair and a crown.


Day two of self-quarantine:

I have caught up on every webcomic and YouTube series I’m currently stalking

After getting so desperate for fresh air that I thought I would explode, I walked outside in 38 degree weather with no jacket and sat suspended over a massive hecking puddle for an entire hour

My little sister is yet to stop watching frozen 2. It’s been days. Over. And over. And over. I haven’t even seen it but I know every lyric to half the songs and it’s giving me war flashbacks

I may or may not have become physically attracted to multichrome pigments

And that’s it
Today was quite uneventful


Day three of self-quarantine:

I've been laughing with tears in my eyes for quite a bit now.
What happened, you may ask?
I told myself a joke. Out loud. At 10 AM.
Wasn't even funny, just… dark.
I've been doing this for a while, slowly losing my sanity with each minute.
This is no longer a journal. It is a cry for help.

…But also Emma said she loves me the mostest so i feel like an absolute queen here