forum Self-Quarantine
Started by @Anemone eco

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Day One was finished by me copying the chords to Let It Die down as I've been meaning to do for some time. Then I read a chapter of Rinkitink in Oz to my little siblings. (My favorite in the series.)
Day Two begins. We will see what will come of it.


Day 6 of quarantine (day 12 of not being in school) and this is what I have accomplished

  • Three seasons of Star vs the Forces of Evil
  • The final season of Tangled the Series
  • One Carmen Sandiego Netflix special
  • A painting of Marceline and Bubblegum that I finally finished after 3 months
  • Finally stopped procrastinating on a project that was due before spring break and is now due tomorrow cuz apparently grades are still due for the third quarter by Friday
  • Many many hours of aimless scrolling through social media
  • School has been out for almost two weeks now and will still be out for another two weeks
  • Teachers have now begun to assign work
  • I am so so so bored

@HighPockets group

Um. Did you eat it all? Or are you organizing?

Lmaooo no we're organizing it. My mom went way overboard with buying stuff so I had to empty it out and sort it back in.

@Anemone eco

Me, as a homeschooler, watching all y'all public schoolers lose your shit over this is just…I'm fucking cackling, i'm sorry

I mean, I'm not really losing my shit…


Me, as a homeschooler, watching all y'all public schoolers lose your shit over this is just…I'm fucking cackling, i'm sorry

I mean, I'm not really losing my shit…

Well no, but like…a lot of people are and it makes me cackle

edit: not necessarily people on this chat, just people in general


Me, as a homeschooler, watching all y'all public schoolers lose your shit over this is just…I'm fucking cackling, i'm sorry

lmao for the most part I use school as a distraction and I really really really need distractions (especially this week)
It's lowkey a big reason I do so well in school. I don't wanna think about [THING] so instead I'll just bury myself into mountains of work so I don't have to think about it

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with self-quarantine?

I'm slowly going insane while browsing Pinterest because I have nothing better to do with my life while under self-quarantine

@Pickles group

Day five: tried to ride my bike to the playground by the pool to read. Tires were very flat, ended up walking most of the way. Made it there, my sister fell in the parking lot. Sprinkled. Walked back.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Day Two was a lot. So much.
I had a paper due that I suuuuucked at.
There was the Discord which was awesome.
My best friends stopped over. My sister of those two is leaving me for more than a month and I feel very sad about that.
I stayed up way too late doing dumb crap.
Day Three. I did a final test. I got a bad score. Idek if I care. I'ma go to the dentist today…