forum Self-Quarantine
Started by @Anemone eco

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@Anemone eco

Hello, Dom.

Beginning of day 2: Just got out of bed, I woke up 3 hours ago, I decided to boil a potato, and make oatmeal.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day three:
Slowly losing my mind
My baby sister(not really a baby, she's 6) is screaming
I have an extreme urge to watch One Piece but I have to wait 2 hours
Wait, didn't I just wake up?
No, that was at 7:30. It's almost 1 now.
I've started talking to my OCs
They have yet to reply
I'm gonna start writing letters to myself. That'll be how my autobiography goes.
Send. Help.


Day two: Woke up to my cat curled around my head, purring loudly. Made plans for the day and I'm gonna stick to 'em. I'm going to finish making the necklace, I'm going to binge-watch NCIS since Criminal Minds is still on hiatus, I'm going to work on the Mythology for a group project, and if I have more time I'm going to tune my kalimba so I can start playing again.

@Pickles group

Day three: felt productive this morning but didn't actually get much done. Did my makeup. It looks bad. Haven't even brushed my hair

@Anemone eco

Ah okay. I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day and I don't really know much about St. Patrick at all, but thanks for the explanation.

@saor_illust school

Day Four of Quarantine: I woke up at who knows what time to the doorbell ringing, went to go babysit some kitties with a friend, came home and did absolutely nothing. Also is running on an empty stomach here

Deleted user

It's officially a month away from my birthday and I'm so afraid that I'm gonna be shut in there


Day two: Woke up to my cat curled around my head, purring loudly. Made plans for the day and I'm gonna stick to 'em. I'm going to finish making the necklace, I'm going to binge-watch NCIS since Criminal Minds is still on hiatus, I'm going to work on the Mythology for a group project, and if I have more time I'm going to tune my kalimba so I can start playing again.

What actually happened: got halfway through figuring out the Mythos before getting bored and moving on to a different project. Didn't even touch the necklace-in-progress. Currently binge-watching Person of Interest again just because I love the character dynamics so damn much.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day four:
My mom found ginger sparkling water somewhere and it tastes like unsweetened ginger ale which is amazing
last night I drew a nice drawingIMG-20200318-081019
More updates will follow(hopefully)

@Pickles group

Day Four (?)
As per usual, I woke up around 6 and didn't get up until 9.
Spent way too long writing in my music (have to figure out when I'm playing piccolo and when I'm playing flute all on one set of the music because it's four pages long and I can't look back and forth.)
Debated doing makeup, decided not to
Gave up brushing my hair halfway through
Practiced music a little bit, ignored the fact that I need to practice clarinet

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Update: I'm crying right now because I saw a twitter post where Thomas Sanders was being the most precious cinnamon roll and I just can't function right now

That was 20 minutes ago

I'm so close to snapping and losing it right now

@Pickles group

Day four update: practiced clarinet, hyperventilating. I don't have the right kind of air for this. On hold because I'm supposed to be folding laundry


Day three: I still have yet to get out of bed. Depression hit me like a train last night and it seems to have carried over into this morning. I brushed my cat so she's now softer than ever. I should probably get up and do something.