forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers

@ccb group

-"oh yeah big time"
-"roxanne. are you cryin"
-"god pwned my cringe husband with a fail heart attack"
-"he's the father of modern medicine, he's the father of my son"
-"can i eat mc donald"
-"why does everyone act like i'm their dad?" "because lorenzo, just last night you said you didn't raise clare to shake her ass, but you did raise me to shake my ass"
-"and everybody's like gold teeth gray goose chicken in a bathtub, he is in there chicken in the bathtub"
-"a bear?"
-my diary (john)
-the dk rap




"Oh, my LEG!"

"Frozen turkey, frozen turkey!"

Insanely crooked smirk "Well dream didn't last very long."


"Oh, my LEG!"

Is this Fred from SpongeBob?

Nope, actually it's Drover from Hank the Cowdog, along with the frozen turkey bit <3

@Echo_6 group

"Oh, my LEG!"

Is this Fred from SpongeBob?

Nope, actually it's Drover from Hank the Cowdog, along with the frozen turkey bit <3

I honestly thought Happy Wheels first, but as a Hank the Cowdog fan, I can appreciate this completely.


"Oh, my LEG!"

Is this Fred from SpongeBob?

Nope, actually it's Drover from Hank the Cowdog, along with the frozen turkey bit <3

I honestly thought Happy Wheels first, but as a Hank the Cowdog fan, I can appreciate this completely.

Could be Happy Wheels, I see that xD But yeah, Hank's the best <3 That man knew what comedy is

Deleted user

stop twisting, stop moving, and stop being an EPILEPTIC TORNADO!!!