forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Y'all, did I not just mention that I am terrified of ducks?

See, they don't care if someone is afraid of ducks, or if they're evil. You say something bad about them and you get a face full of "but they're so cute" and a shit ton of pictures and it's honestly really fucking annoying

I did that sorry

Indeed you did.

Deleted user

Y'all, did I not just mention that I am terrified of ducks?

See, they don't care if someone is afraid of ducks, or if they're evil. You say something bad about them and you get a face full of "but they're so cute" and a shit ton of pictures and it's honestly really fucking annoying

I did that sorry

Yes you did.

Well I'm deleting the duck posts now

Deleted user

Ducks are now out of the picture. It's eagle or bust.

Or a hawk but it's probably not on picrew

Deleted user

Me, reading a written work of a horror podcast:
Someone: Shows a picture of a duck
Me: Actually jumps because something fell and for a moment I was convinced it was a duck

@Pickles group

Me, reading a written work of a horror podcast:
Someone: Shows a picture of a duck
Me: Actually jumps because something fell and for a moment I was convinced it was a duck

Ducks are evil and it's perfectly reasonable to be scared of them but I know I could hold my own against one


As for how I would die… This is gonna be so dark lmao but honestly, I think I'll die of suicide.

to be completely honest, as much as i try to pretend otherwise, i feel the same way

even if i keep going, try to follow my dreams,
there’s no way i’ll be able to make it on my own.
i’m going to fail-
they’re going to hurt me, i’m not strong enough, i won’t be able to live a happy life
and once you’ve reached a certain point, there’s really no other way out

which is why i want to get it over with soon…
it’ll be so much easier on my family if i go now, having lived a pretty good life, as opposed to on the side of the road, hurt, starving, and all alone, with nothing left to hope for

I’ve done my research, i’m sure i could make it look like an accident if i tried
maybe they won’t blame themselves so much…

yet despite knowing all that, i can’t bring myself to do anything

there’s just that little voice in my head that won’t let me

i’m aware that the more i stall the worse it will get, but i want to be wrong, i want to keep going, i want to live-

quite selfish, isn’t it

@Pickles group

It's the lone ducks that are truly evil, because they're bitter about being alone. Baby ducks couldn't do much harm, Mama ducks won't go near you or let her babies go near you, and probably wouldn't hurt you unless you touch her babies (not a problem because she will quack at said babies if they try to go near you. I know from experience).

Deleted user

I hate ducks, most large birds I actually don't like.
When I was a baby a Sandhill crane attacked me
a few months ago a duck bit me

Deleted user

every single little thing i do on here annoys people and i don't want to but i'm just an awkward person but also i don't want to pull the "it's who i am" card so idk what to do

Deleted user

ducks and geese are precious, some of the greatest things on this earth, and i will defend them till the day I perish

Geese are questionable but alas, some are cute so I'm on the fence

Deleted user

Who else likes ravens and crows?
Or is that just me since I'm dark

@Pickles group

Who else likes ravens and crows?
Or is that just me since I'm dark

I'm not a bird fan in general, but I like crows in theory. In practice, they give me the creeps

@Anemone eco

As for how I would die… This is gonna be so dark lmao but honestly, I think I'll die of suicide.

to be completely honest, as much as i try to pretend otherwise, i feel the same way

even if i keep going, try to follow my dreams,
there’s no way i’ll be able to make it on my own.
i’m going to fail-
they’re going to hurt me, i’m not strong enough, i won’t be able to live a happy life
and once you’ve reached a certain point, there’s really no other way out

which is why i want to get it over with soon…
it’ll be so much easier on my family if i go now, having lived a pretty good life, as opposed to on the side of the road, hurt, starving, and all alone, with nothing left to hope for

I’ve done my research, i’m sure i could make it look like an accident if i tried
maybe they won’t blame themselves so much…

yet despite knowing all that, i can’t bring myself to do anything

there’s just that little voice in my head that won’t let me

i’m aware that the more i stall the worse it will get, but i want to be wrong, i want to keep going, i want to live-

quite selfish, isn’t it

Ella. There's nothing selfish about wanting to live. I know there isn't much I could say in the ways of comfort, but I really don't want you to die so soon, Ella. You deserve to live a good life. Full of joy and happiness and I know that there's one ahead of you. You just need to keep walking. You think that being dead will make things easier for your family, but it won't. I swear. Sure, there may be less financial costs, but they'll never be the same without you. It hurts having someone you held so dear gone. Losing someone and being stuck wishing you could've saved them. You are amazing, Ella. Your dreams will become a reality if you don't give up. So please… don't give up.

This may or may not help you feel a little better, but it's here now.

@Kie group

Who else likes ravens and crows?
Or is that just me since I'm dark

I like birds in general, but crows are cuties uvu

@Anemone eco

I've decided since some people here seem not to enjoy birds, I shall make a Picrew with the basic Essence of Me and make it my new pfp.


I've decided since some people here seem not to enjoy birds, I shall make a Picrew with the basic Essence of Me and make it my new pfp.

oml just wait for Mir to come online and see this. She'll flip her shit.