forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

My entire life is Pokemon

I have a ton of cards and my first game was Black and White 2, hands down the best one.

@Anemone eco

insulted in Kaiba was one of my favourite characters

Joey was awesome though. I want a signature from both his Japanese and English voice actors, but I only have his English one's so far.

Deleted user

Kaiba being an annoying lil shit,

How dare you come after my boyfriend like this.

Deleted user

I will Seto Kaiba both your asses, dont even try me.

pulling out my Exodia
Do you really want this to happen again?

le fuck


Kaiba being an annoying lil shit,

How dare you come after my boyfriend like this.

Hey, I was young when I watched it, and my impression of him was that he was a spoiled rich boy who couldn't stand taking a gracious loss

@Anemone eco

I will Seto Kaiba both your asses, dont even try me.

pulling out my Exodia
Do you really want this to happen again?

le fuck

Simple solution: throw it into the ocean like Weevil Underwood did.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I missed out on half the yugioh convo.
I love the show, don't understand the game too welll, and would totally get a deck if I could.

@The-Magician group

I will Seto Kaiba both your asses, dont even try me.

pulling out my Exodia
Do you really want this to happen again?

le fuck

Simple solution: throw it into the ocean like Weevil Underwood did.

I'll fucking do a joey and dive in after them