forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

My hair is beautiful as per normal so yeah.



shoot i just turned off all the lights in my room and now i have to get out of bed and take more that three steps to turn them on again look what you’ve done

@HighPockets group

One of my characters is an absolute ho for tea so this discussion is fun to read with him in mind

He is a man of culture and I can relate. I too am a ho for tea.

You're just a ho

Don't insult my son, Lizzie

Which son?

Victor is the tea ho


I'd love to join, but I can't. My parents would be like "WhO aRe yOu tAlkInG tO?" and then I'd get in trouble for talking to strangers over the internet RIP

@saor_illust school

I'd love to join, but I can't. My parents would be like "WhO aRe yOu tAlkInG tO?" and then I'd get in trouble for talking to strangers over the internet RIP

