forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

yeah same. And tbh, i just,, dont want tobe pregnant?? Like i would like kids but being pregnant sounds,,, bad

@Painted-Iris group

I may be straight but I highly dislike the idea of sex lol
I'm in the corner like: how bout we adopt?????


I mean I'm adopted and I turned out pretty okay so why not?

@Painted-Iris group

yeah same. And tbh, i just.. don't want to be pregnant?? Like i would like kids but being pregnant sounds… bad

yeee same
I mean yeah I would have a kid who would be super cute but the things that could go wrong scares me

@Painted-Iris group

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh welp now I'm gonna avoid tampons a bit longer now lol

Well the more you use them (in theory) the less uncomfortable they will be)


@Becfromthedead group

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh welp now I'm gonna avoid tampons a bit longer now lol

Lol you think the pain is bad. I had a horrible experience with tampons after I got over the pain. I can go into more detail if anyone's curious, but it's kinda (really) gross.


I may be straight but I highly dislike the idea of sex lol
I'm in the corner like: how bout we adopt?????


Yeah me too! Like, sure it might be nice to have an offspring that kind of looks like you, but The idea of bang bang baby making in general doesn't seem all its made up to be

Deleted user

If I wasn't scared before, I am now

Dont be, its a little uncomfortable but it gets easier every time.


I kind of really feel bad, and it may just be my period talking, but sometimes I get really snappy at my friends and family during the time of the month. I want to apologize and explain that it is just my period and I will be fine in a couple of days. But it just feels like I'm pushing them away and the excuse of my period won't be good enough.

Deleted user

I kind of really feel bad, and it may just be my period talking, but sometimes I get really snappy at my friends and family during the time of the month. I want to apologize and explain that it is just my period and I will be fine in a couple of days. But it just feels like I'm pushing them away and the excuse of my period won't be good enough.

same. Except every single freaking day of my life and i dont really know why.

Deleted user

From what I know, chocolate, electric heating pads, and hugs. They go along way.

Chocolate is a yes.
Heating pads are usually a yes, depending on the person.
Hugs are an obvious yes.
Try mints for stomach cramps too

Mints? Okay thank you!