forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


they're usually accompanied by really, really, really bad cramps, too, so I get a heat flash along with feeling like my uterus is tearing itself to shreds


Okay so it's actually pretty normal for your menstrual cycle to be really fucked up within 1-2 years of first starting bc your body has no idea what it's doing, and adding a fuck load of stress to that can make it even worse but it shouldn't be anything too concerning (although I'm not a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt lmao). I'd say the best thing to do is just go see a doctor and get some birth control because that will actually help regulate your cycle and reduce cramps.


Okay so it's actually pretty normal for your menstrual cycle to be really fucked up within 1-2 years of first starting bc your body has no idea what it's doing, and adding a fuck load of stress to that can make it even worse but it shouldn't be anything too concerning (although I'm not a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt lmao). I'd say the best thing to do is just go see a doctor and get some birth control because that will actually help regulate your cycle and reduce cramps.

The female body is so weird

@Darkblossom group

I’m just sitting here while everyone is raging about period cramps, feeling guilty cause my cramps stopped happening after like my 2nd or 3rd period.


I’m just sitting here while everyone is raging about period cramps, feeling guilty cause my cramps stopped happening after like my 2nd or 3rd period.

Same, but I’ve never gotten cramps…

@EmptyNebula group

Enjoy your time without them because they didn't show up for me until a year. The first felt like I was stabbed and I couldn't sit still in one position.

Deleted user

I have some p bad cramps, so i have a couple tips if you’d like!!
•elevate your feet! It places less stress on uterine muscles and eases cramps
•caffine (such as chocolate and soda) can actually make cramps worse (this made me really sad)
*heat is your friend