forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

I’m just sitting here while everyone is raging about period cramps, feeling guilty cause my cramps stopped happening after like my 2nd or 3rd period.

Same, but I’ve never gotten cramps…

sameee, I thought it was just me


Yeah for my cramps I usually either curl up in a ball or stretch out my abdomen and wrap my torso in heated blankets and pads. Before I was on birth control for it, my cramps would get so bad that I wouldn't be able to move or get out of bed in the morning.


When I first got my period (which was in like early fifth grade, lucky me) I thought it wouldn't be that bad because it was just blood and stuff, bUT OH MY GOD EVERY SINGLE SECOND HURTS SO MUCH NOW

Also, do painkillers actually work? Most of the people that get periods in my family just suffer through it, so I haven't really taken anything before

Deleted user

Ibuprofen is the only thing I take for my cramps so far, but my mom says it’ll get a lot worse. She has an eye on me

But should I tell her I didn’t have any cramps this period? I’m on my fourth day and I haven’t had any at all.

Is that a problem??

Deleted user

Pain meds dont work for me, it might have something to do with the sleep meds i take

Deleted user

When I first got my period (which was in like early fifth grade, lucky me) I thought it wouldn't be that bad because it was just blood and stuff, bUT OH MY GOD EVERY SINGLE SECOND HURTS SO MUCH NOW

Also, do painkillers actually work? Most of the people that get periods in my family just suffer through it, so I haven't really taken anything before

Ibuprofen is the only thing that works for me but it’s not working as well as it was when I first started so… yes and no?

Deleted user

No if it's normal for you not to get cramps then I wouldn't worry too much about it,. though I suppose you should do some research for it

Okay, thanks Red. smol personal thing if you care It was kinda odd because I’ve been under a lot of stress, I’ve expected them to be so bad I could barely stand! But now it is just super heavy and I don’t have any cramps? I have had a lot of cravings for different stuff…

wtf is my body


I remember I read somewhere that if you keep taking pain meds then your body builds up a resistance to them, which is kind of why I haven't taken any

Deleted user

I actually don't get cramps?? I'm 12??? Is that weird or…

@Imperfect_Autumn group

The last time I had really bad cramps, my mom said lavender essential oil would help. Unfortunately for me, it makes my head feel funny, so she said geranium might work instead. And it did! This last time I had bad cramps again and used it, and they went away pretty quickly.
So, if anyone's parent(s) use essential oils, I would suggest that.

Deleted user

Well, the first year or two of having your period can be really wonky. You might never get cramps, or get them in a couple years.


No if it's normal for you not to get cramps then I wouldn't worry too much about it,. though I suppose you should do some research for it

Okay, thanks Red. smol personal thing if you care It was kinda odd because I’ve been under a lot of stress, I’ve expected them to be so bad I could barely stand! But now it is just super heavy and I don’t have any cramps? I have had a lot of cravings for different stuff…

wtf is my body

Lmao yes I do care and stress can do some really weird things to human bodies. For example, I get ulcers anywhere really easily if I'm under a lot of stress.
Also, just in case if your heavy flow continues without some amount of pain, either something is up or you just got really lucky, or it's completely normal for you.
If the amount of blood your losing seems a bit much, talk to someone about it, research and probably set up a doctor appointment

Deleted user

No if it's normal for you not to get cramps then I wouldn't worry too much about it,. though I suppose you should do some research for it

Okay, thanks Red. smol personal thing if you care It was kinda odd because I’ve been under a lot of stress, I’ve expected them to be so bad I could barely stand! But now it is just super heavy and I don’t have any cramps? I have had a lot of cravings for different stuff…

wtf is my body

Lmao yes I do care and stress can do some really weird things to human bodies. For example, I get ulcers anywhere really easily if I'm under a lot of stress.
Also, just in case if your heavy flow continues without some amount of pain, either something is up or you just got really lucky, or it's completely normal for you.
If the amount of blood your losing seems a bit much, talk to someone about it, research and probably set up a doctor appointment

1) Oooof ouuuch I'm sorry about the ulcers 2) I hope it's just luck because I get really bad cramps on occasion. I'll probbaly just do some research and hope for the best… thanks Red!