forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

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@HighPockets group

Also when you sit down and your pad does the ThingTM and you're not sure if it's in right. And when you get crappy pads and you take them off and the material gets stuck to your underwear. And when you open one too quickly and the sticky part gets stuck on itself.

Deleted user

I hate wearing pads bc after .2 seconds they get all gross and SUPER uncomfortable. But tampons are even worse so ??? Guess i’ll die

@Painted-Iris group

Also when you sit down and your pad does the ThingTM and you're not sure if it's in right. And when you get crappy pads and you take them off and the material gets stuck to your underwear. And when you open one too quickly and the sticky part gets stuck on itself.

oof I've only had the first one happen lol

@Painted-Iris group

I hate wearing pads bc after .2 seconds they get all gross and SUPER uncomfortable. But tampons are even worse so ??? Guess i’ll die

Not for me. Tampons are indeed evil, but after finding a good brand, pads aren't that bad personally

Deleted user

Guys did you hear DC is taking the sale’s tax off of feminine products??

Deleted user

I hate wearing pads bc after .2 seconds they get all gross and SUPER uncomfortable. But tampons are even worse so ??? Guess i’ll die

Not for me. Tampons are indeed evil, but after finding a good brand, pads aren't that bad personally

Y’see i’m actually starting to prefer tampons bc i dont like feeling like i’m wearing a diaper / leaking 24/7

@Painted-Iris group

From what I know, chocolate, electric heating pads, and hugs. They go along way.

Chocolate is a yes.
Heating pads are usually a yes, depending on the person.
Hugs are an obvious yes.
Try mints for stomach cramps too

Deleted user

Guys did you hear DC is taking the sale’s tax off of feminine products??


Yes!! It’s just DC for now, though.

@Painted-Iris group

I hate wearing pads bc after .2 seconds they get all gross and SUPER uncomfortable. But tampons are even worse so ??? Guess i’ll die

Not for me. Tampons are indeed evil, but after finding a good brand, pads aren't that bad personally

Y’see i’m actually starting to prefer tampons bc i dont like feeling like i’m wearing a diaper / leaking 24/7

I wanna use tampons but my body just isn't ready for the thickness I would need. That's why I'm really used to pads. But yeah they get annoying as hell

Deleted user

I hate wearing pads bc after .2 seconds they get all gross and SUPER uncomfortable. But tampons are even worse so ??? Guess i’ll die

Not for me. Tampons are indeed evil, but after finding a good brand, pads aren't that bad personally

Y’see i’m actually starting to prefer tampons bc i dont like feeling like i’m wearing a diaper / leaking 24/7

I wanna use tampons but my body just isn't ready for the thickness I would need. That's why I'm really used to pads. But yeah they get annoying as hell

I had to wear one on my very first period because i’m a swimmer, so i’m a little more used to them now. (Never gets any less weird tho)


When I first wore a tampon it did the Thing™ and so it was like a stick and I hated it but then the next time of course since the Thing™ had already happened it was a little better so I mean… yeah but they still scare me.