forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

I want to spread my sympathy to you. It’s blind sympathy because I have no idea but bleeding uncontrollably doesn’t sound fun.

Deleted user

Oh no I’m male!


Sorry. 😐

Deleted user

I wish to be educated. I want a reason for blowing all my money on chocolate for my girlfriend every month.

Deleted user

I want to spread my sympathy to you. It’s blind sympathy because I have no idea but bleeding uncontrollably doesn’t sound fun.


Deleted user

From what I know, chocolate, electric heating pads, and hugs. They go along way.

Deleted user

Yeah, but also giving us women/people who identify as other genders or no genders but are afflicted with such pain the space we need is helpful too. Remember that always, as it applies to most areas of life for people. If the person needs alone time, let them have it, all I'm saying.

Deleted user

Well being there for someone is different. I know how to not be clingy.


Aw, you sound like a good bf. If she has a dog or cat, they also work as snuggle heating pads. Buuuut you could always get her a puppy or cat wink Make sure you only get the type of chocolate she likes, I know it may sound odd, but my brother tried to give me chocolate while I was on my period because he is a good boy, but it was the salted caramel chocolate and I hate that and I seriously yelled at5 him. So, be careful.

Deleted user

Lol thanks for the advice. I know what she likes but she’s expensive.


Yes, moods can be extreme so it's like boiling if you throw something in it, prepare to possibly get some sizzling splashes and maybe some burns. But from what it sounds like, you're doing it right. :)