forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

@HighPockets group

These same people leave me alone constatly with boys but claim they are good because they are Christians. Fuck it anyone can fucking rape you shits. i doubt my boyfriend will do shit to me because we actually love each other and we live 1090 miles apart!

Honestly the dumbest boys I know are Christians I went to school with……


Some Christians are extremely dumb
Apparently science is fake and a book wrote by random people thousands of years ago is real

Deleted user

uhm ok uh letsz not get…. is actually Christian but isnt a dumb one

Deleted user

i just dont wanna get in a fight rn im like sleep deprived

Deleted user

i dunno if im straight
or if im bi
or if im aromatic to only girls or some shit

Deleted user

This child is not religious but they also believe people are not to be attacked for their beliefs


@HighPockets group

This child is religious and believes people shouldn't be attacked for their beliefs. Honestly I don't care if you worship the Greek gods I won't harass you or say you're wrong. unless they actually ARE the Greek gods, and I will make fun of them, mostly Apollo and Dionysus and Zeus

Deleted user

also cat is laying on my keyboard aaaaaaah

Oof that's rough buddy.
You should look up 'Simon's Cat' on YouTube, it's super funny and cute!!

ny chuild4 nooooo hes n my hannnnndd