forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

Simple. They don't know about him.
They do know that we're friends.
I told her once when she asked and she exploded on me later.
insert me sobbing my eyes out quietly in fear

Deleted user

Sometimes it's about timing, if you want to introduce this kind of stuff to your parents

who are you talking to

Deleted user

I came out to my parents as trans genderfluid on Monday
I didn't even dare tell them I like girls and boys

ooooff im sorry


Wait did it go well??

Well uh
I left for school right after
I'm 90% sure my mom spent the whole day crying (she looked like it when she picked me up from school) my parents scheduled me a therapy appointment and I'm grounded from notebook
But they didn't kick me out and they don't hate me. They're looking into LGBT+ specialized therapists and other supports
But I'm scared bc my mom is looking for religious support material and stuff
But overall it went well lol


I'm still figuring myself out
I feel like I might be NB or genderfluid

Take your time figuring it out
It's a hard process
But if you ever need to talk, I'm here


….Are your parents looking for the conversion therapy thing?

I don't actually know and I'm worried. I expressed my concern to my school counselor who said she'd hope they wouldn't, and they'd do a bit of research on it before thinking it was a good idea
So I'm crossing my fingers lolllllll


I don't actually know and I'm worried. I expressed my concern to my school counselor who said she'd hope they wouldn't, and they'd do a bit of research on it before thinking it was a good idea
So I'm crossing my fingers lolllllll

A couple of weeks ago I signed a petition on on banning gay conversion therapy and from what I know about it. It is hell

@HighPockets group

Kudos to you for coming out bb. It takes guts and just know that Crazy Ace Aunt Jynnie is proud of you. as are biromantic-asexual icons Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Rey, and Barriss Offee


then there's

my family hates that i have notebook
i am mentally abused at times
i cannot loose weight
i have no control over my realtionships…
my family will NEVER approve of my bf
replacing my depression is crippling anxiety
im seeing that i have more mentall illnesses every day… i am thinking that i may have scritzaphrania, bpd, and imposter symdrom

i swear

my dad hates that I use NB.

He hates me chatting online.


And if you have any intelligence at all you'll know not to share personal information online so they can't track you down and kill/rape you