forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

also connie
does it take that long??
I meant for it to be like a page or two

Deleted user

also connie
does it take that long??
I meant for it to be like a page or two

im doing detailslssss

Deleted user

Yeah I know but I did a really bland thing in fifteen minutes
I mean it was bland

Deleted user

If I wrote something in 15 minutes it’d be atrocious.

Don’t make yourself write in a time frame like that.

Deleted user

i really like haiku,
they are short and meaningful.
metaphors in writing.

(also, they're flexible, so it doesn't always have to be 5-7-5. by far my favorite poems)

Deleted user

the feather floated down the stream, just the way a bowling ball wouldn't;

Deleted user

the stream was streaming, just like tears stream down your face when you finish show on netflix