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Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

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"hey this elf guy is pretty coo-"

"i want to eat my own ribs"


(OMG! I saw that video too!)

ahahaha oh lord dude, i was wheezing everytime the elf guy came up and there were flames on the screen XD

@Shadow_Knight group

She got up to the opposite side of the tank and slid a metal pole under the tank. She pushed down the the other end of the tank causing it to tip over. It wasn't close enough to get Orion or the tank off the side of the cliff but it was enough so that Kayla could do the rest herself.


‘All due respect’ is a wonderful expression because it doesn’t actually specify how much respect is actually due. Could be none.


   Aurelius watched in horror as the men drug away his irreplaceable partner. Nox growled and grunted, but her snot was locked closed with metal clasps. The strong men stabbed the dragon with sharp spears, and laughed every time she whimpered. Auri felt sick. If he revealed his cover now, he’d be doomed. He bit his lip to keep from throwing up. These men were so cruel. He pulled out his sword, ready to pounce. But he had to wait until the leader of the group was gone. So he sat behind the bushes waiting. 

“My dear men! Today is a good day for us! We have captured a lovely beast today! Raise your swords in honor of this moment!” The leader shouted standing on top of the cage Nox was in. He picked up his own sword and raised it high. “WE SHALL SLAY THIS WRETCHED BEAST!” The man shouted. Auri stood and ran down the hill without hesitation. “LET HER GO!” He screamed running through the crowd. The slayers were all out of sorts from drinking, they were stunned. Auri sliced his sword back and forth whoever got in his way. All the men screamed and scattered. Only one remained. “Drop your sword Slayer!” He shouted standing ready to kill anyone who tried to hurt her. He grinned a fowl grin. “Gladly.” He sneered. He plunged the sword into the cage and laughed manically. Auri shrieked. He climbed the cage and threw the man off. He tossed his own sword on the ground at the cruel man. Auri gently pulled the slayer’s sword away from Nox’s scales.

He pulled open the cage door, and did his best to pull her out. Nox breathed slowly. “Nox, please, not now.” He cried. He pet the dragons head gently, and watched as the life seemed to leave her eyes. Auri gritted his teeth, and picked up the slayer’s sword. He walked over to where he had pushed the man off the cage, and plunged the sword through his gut. “You’re a cruel man.” He said before turning. He walked back around the cage, to go back to Nox. He stopped when he saw a woman standing there petting the large beast. “HEY! YOU! Stop!” He shouted running to his dragon. The woman seemed alarmed, and ran off, into the woods. He plopped down next to Nox, not caring about the woman, and just wept.

(Um context, it's a story for someone's character I did, late warning, it's not great.)

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