forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@saor_illust school

hey here's a little critique on Hinata Hayashi - if she is 364 dimensional years but basically has the height and weight of i would guess maybe a 15 or 16 year old, then does she have wrinkles? how is she human but still be so old? i would also add a bit more backstory to Hinata. sorry about all that, just some critique that could be helpful

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

hey here's a little critique on Hinata Hayashi - if she is 364 dimensional years but basically has the height and weight of i would guess maybe a 15 or 16 year old, then does she have wrinkles? how is she human but still be so old? i would also add a bit more backstory to Hinata. sorry about all that, just some critique that could be helpful

Well, she basically uses magic to take on the appearance of someone that age. She's not the biggest fan of wrinkles. And I'm trying to work out all the dets for her backstory rn.

@saor_illust school

ah ha the last thing i copied and pasted: i feel u (If ur a string player you'll understand-someone's e string fine tuner broke, and thats the only fine tuner they have.)

@Mojack group

ǝɥǝɥǝɥ ¡ǝƃɐnƃuɐן ɹǝɥʇouɐ sʇı ʞuıɥʇ ǝןdoǝd ǝɯos znɔ unɟ sʇı ¡ʇı op oʇ ʎɐʍ ɐ ɹoɟ ǝɯ ɯp ¿ʞןɐʇ uʍop ǝpısdn ɟo ʞuıɥʇ noʎ op ʇɐɥʍ sʎnƃ os

((I was copying something someone wrote on discord, but then the mod said not to copy other people’s text))

@faltering-through pets

I think one if the saddest things is when you don’t want anything anymore. You’re not in despair, you know you’re not alone, you know it can get better, but you dont want any of it. You’re just tired of living. I’m not sure if anyone can really help at that point.

@saor_illust school

A comet named Halley was the prettiest because nothing lasts forever in this life. Maybe this time I’ll take chances with love. Or not. But seriously, if you weren’t there last night. What were you thinking? Did it make us? I guess you left her waiting at the golfclub rental. Why her, not him? There was so many things someone should destroy; careful. What you thought you knew was not what was real at all. Because of you, the love of my life I love might kill me.

(An excerpt of the "novella" I'm writing that's based off of the forum game, "Add a Word! (Writing game)", which you can find the link to that here: and the current version of the "novella" is linked below. I'm just gonna continually keep updating it until it's a couple pages long, then post the raw, unedited version on Wattpad or Inkitt. Or even here. Who knows. Anyways, yeah.)


Name: Emilia Voxx
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’5
Weight: 100 or so, sometimes less
Figure/build: Underweight, typically looks like she hasn’t eaten a full meal in months. And she kinda hasn’t. When she’s at a healthy weight, she’s still pretty petite, but with slim curves.
Skin color: Lightly tanned. Her brother’s skin is darker, and both of them joke that it has to do with her magic.
Hair color: Darker black roots, fading out into a light blue and sort of blended here and there.
Hairstyle: Not the one in the pic, first of all. Cut to just below her shoulder blades, and wavy. The waves very quickly turn to untamable curls when she’s not careful. Parted on the right side, and often falls into her face.
Eye color: A light greenish/grey. Like, oddly light.
Other Features: Her tapetum lucidum mirrors that of a cat’s, resulting in red eyes in photographs, and light reflecting weirdly off of them. Her nose is crooked from being broken and not set right.
Tattoos: The Greek symbol of Inguz behind her left ear. A tattoo on her right arm and palm, of a tree with a lot of tangling roots. The leaves span most of her lower palm, and the trunk begins at her wrist, the roots covering her forearm.
Piercings/jewelry: Her lower and upper lobe is pierced on both ears. Has a navel piercing as well.
Scars/distinguishing marks: A lot of scars, mostly smaller ones here and there from all number of things. Herself, accidents, cats, you name it. There’s a set of three long and deep looking clawmarks on her lower back, a result of a run-in with a demon she couldn’t handle.
Preferred style of clothing: Jeans and slightly too loose shirts, either graphic tees/tanks or just solid colors. All of her clothing follows that looser trend, including the zip-up hoodies she wears. Her favorite is a black one with a small Black Widow symbol on the right ‘breast’. Often covered in colorful band aids. A pair of old white-at-one-point converse, that she doodles on when she’s bored. Wears a ring made of silver wire with a rough cut chunk of obsidian on it.
Personality: Bubbly and friendly, almost always smiling or at least looking happy. She’s secretly got a lot of self doubt, about her magic, her weight, and her appearance. This feeds into the eating disorder she has, that causes her to have issues eating full meals, or anything more than a super light snack, honestly. Her brother is the only one who can occasionally get her to eat. Despite her normally very sweet nature, if you cross her or hurt someone she cares about, that’s it. With the former, you’re figuratively dead to her, with the latter, you’re literally dead.
Background: Her home life was decent, if not as filled with love as it should have been. Her parents were constantly arguing and fighting, though it never came to blows, at least. They were just unhappy. Her older brother Caleb often took her out with him and his friends to keep her from having to deal with the negative emotions. Her parents eventually split, her father getting her brother, and her mother getting custody over her.
Feeling responsible for them splitting, Emmy slipped into a not-so-great place, developing a lot of issues herself. She was essentially cut off from her brother, and only reconnected with him five years later, when she was nineteen, and her mother passed away from and overdose. Though both of them had changed, they still had the same bond, especially with him being the only one to know about her magic.
Her father was killed by the person on a murder spree, just a few weeks ago, and it hit her brother hard. She’d been trying hard to reconnect with her father, and things had been going slow but well, so his death was a shock.
Magic: She was born with the ability to see demons, ghosts, any and all paranormal creatures under things like glamours and spells woven for the protection of those without magic. That’s not just it, though. With some effort, and not-so-pretty means, she can control those demons and spirits when needed. It’s a complicated power and this description doesn’t really do it justice, but it probably makes more sense when seen in action.