forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers


• Paragraph 1: Background information about the type of cancer and the reproductive organ it affects (8 points)
• Paragraph 2: Risk factors that may lead to this type of cancer (8 points)
• Paragraph 3: Tips for preventing this type of cancer (8 points)

@Mojack group

When they did not see the child at first, they assumed that maybe he was staying somewhere else. But her tongues flicked outwards, she knew this was no 'trip.' Indeed, when the shadows crept up she followed, and inspected the room; a sight to a normal human being that would be quite horrifying. Her appearance was hard to see in the darkness, though it was almost always tricky to see, as were the other 'monsters.' The term did not bother her one bit. She tapped on the ground, before pressing her head to the floor, hearing the faint whispers of the radio downstairs.
"8 year old child Henry Benton is still missing. If you see him, please-" The only words, the confirmation she needed was that. Kyzalk slithered back to the closet, something that seemed small, but to the monsters within, it was their home. A spider like being, with a face full of tentacles approached,


Stand on chairs
Eat anything
Stay awake all night because they can
Fall from a two-story building, get up, and casually walk away
Be dehydrated all of the time


"I swear to Merlin, if the tension between the pair of you gets any thicker, I'm going to have to start carrying a fucking sword just to enter rooms safely."

@Mojack group

The following work is copywrited to me, in full, with all rights reserved. You are permitted to read it as many times as you need, but not copy, exchange, or use its ideas or characters without my explicit permission. Permission can be obtained by emailing me at [email protected]
Failure to ask permission will result in me suing to the full extent of the law.(and punching you till you look like whale!!)
So listen up or else!

Anyway, on with the story…

You had been fighting Karens troops all night..
You had made quite a mess!
You woke up next to a cold one.
(earlier that week he found out he was gay)
"Karen is back, my spider-sense is tingleing…"
"If she is back, then she must be a zombie!"
"Good thinking!"
Suddenly The gals came in quickly.
"Karen is back, she has killed Mary and The boys !!!"
"oh, bugger" said you

At that moment The gals dropped dead on the floor, from mysterious causes of death.
Her guts feel out of her, staining the carpet and making the nearby computer mouse messy

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" said our hero.
"Nooooooooooooo!!!" you repeated, in an upset tone of voice.
"She was my friend, I am very upset!"
"There there, you." a cold one patted you on the back.
"Thanks, that's better :)"
"Look! She has something in her hand!"
you ripped open the flesh from the hand,spraying blood everywhere.
Inside was a secret encrypted, coded note:
"The pulse pistol will destroy the wooden sword as the staff of power of evil returns."

"This must be a clue!"
"lets go!"

MG! We are almost there", you said after traveling for ages.
"GOOD GRIEF, I didnt think we had journed this far!"
They sat down for a rest break and to plot their trajectory into the evil ones HQ base.
"WE must find the The kids.
"I forgot all about that", you said, who was generaly considered a moron, so we all laugh at them for forgetting. HAHA! Funny hu?
"HAHA, you remember now"
What happened next was soo cool you will like it a lot, basicaly, it went like this:

Only it was even cooler because i didnt have to write it! When it was in my head the words didnt get in the way. btw, Excuse me if i skip the words occasionaly, its to save me time.
Ok, after they finnished the boulder they went to the base where the final battle started when they got there. Dont worry! The bad guy dies!

So they snuck into the Karen's lair. It was dark and there were horrofic things on the walls like drawings of skulls and suffering people who were beaing tortured in lava and beaten with hot pipes.
Through the dark and dank corridors of the lair's dungeons they went with outmost silence and skill. They sneaked past all the guards who had been turned into horrible demons by Karen's new invention. And this would also happen to the whole world if they wouldn't be able to steal the The kids from Karen's hands!
They went down the corridors and up the large majestic stairways made of bones and jewls of all shapes and sizes sprinkled with saffron.. One of the corridors led towards a great hall where in the middle of the hall stood a pedestaldripping in blood and guts and kidneys (and other organs) with a treassure chest on top and on that a red velvet pillow upon which laid a white silk finely woven cloth. And on that laid the The kids.

You knew that you had to use all of the t-posing to get the The kids but it would backfire if you wasn't careful enough. The gals inhaled firmly and wondered if you could pull it off. The boys stood ready with his weapon in his hand . You concentrated firmly and then carefully but powerfully unleashed your t-posing.

It worked! The shielding around the The kids fell away like icecream in a microwave. It was amazing how you welding t-posing was effective against Karen's indomitable powers.
Unfortunately for our braveprotagonists, it wasn't enough

"Halt!" said a booming voice. Everyone slowly spun around to face the entrance of the hall where the voice came from.
It was Karen! And she looked even less humane as before. She had used the power of the The kids to transform into a indiscernible mistake of a humanoid.
"Ha! Are you surprised by my new looks?" she said. "It is amazing! The powers I have now are beyond your comprehension!"
"My comprehension is really good," retorted you and your friends looked proud.
"Hahaha of course yours is. But are you able to comprehend the future of this world? I bet you aren't that smart after all. I will rule the world now, you see and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"
"But," said Karen with a lower tone, "even though you are not as smart as I am, you are surprisingly capable so I wish to make this offer: join me and we can rule this world together!"
"Heck no" screamed you!
"Think about it, you, you can now still save your friends! Make them stop mutate ebefore I release my powers!"
you were now tembling. You wanted to keep The gals, a cold one, Mary and The boys alive but he could not get Karen get away with it! But then you remembered: Karen no longer had the The kids! She was powerless!
But as if Karen could read his mind, Karen spoke: "Oh and your scheme to steal the The kids? I no longer need it! I have gained all the power from it that I need in order to mutate everyone in the whole world! But not that you even considered going against me, I will destroy you. Such a shame, we could be such good…friends."
"you would never be friends with you!" said Mary

"It is too late now anyway, said Karen, my plan is active now and I will give you the best place to enjoy it: from your prison cell!"
Karen laughed and said to her guards: "lead them to my dungeon where you will suffer for all eternity in agony .

But you had not forgotten your t-posing. With the stealth and strenght that you learned from your previous adventures, you breathed in and unleashed the t-posing.
Karen had not expected that. She thought she had trapped you and your friends and managed to demoralise them so much they would not resist.
"Arggg!" Karen said. Her guards did not know what to do. Their leader was too weak against this onslaught. What could they do against that sort of might? So they all fled!
"Argh, noooo!" Karen extrapolated, "I was soo close to ultimate power!"
Seeing you succesfully attack Karen, Mary and a cold one also attacked Karen!

"Arigh, no, noooo!"
"I will unleash my final power!" Karen said and raised her arms to the sky and started chanting an evil curse.
But you were too quick. You ran towards Karen and hit Karen in the head. She was knocked out instantly. Everyone was happy and everyone was cheering for you who had avoided the apocalypse! And now they all went home and wait until their next adventure!

Deleted user

The teller told an unusual tale
With spider words and webs to capture all the ears they fell upon
The story of an impossible boy
Who never even knew that he was real

-From a song called "Impossible Boy" by the Hoosiers

@GameMaster group

Ego adsum
Harmonia veritatis
Coniunctis viribus
Ex animo
a cerebri
Ego faciam quod necesse est
nullius rei difficilis
Faciam ut meministi me
Luceo non uro
semper fortis
semper liberi
quia stat
Vince in bono malum
ego defendat
et praeessent

@Mojack group

Eldritch Politics

Eldritch have a unique way of running things. Their ‘political’ matches last thousands of millions of years. However, as you'll figure out, they are extremely different from human politics (if you weren't able to tell by their length.) Only certain Eldritch are able to visit Fenh'im, one of many spaces inbetween the thing fabric of the dimensions in End of Time. Technically, Fenh'im could be considered a dimension in itself; or the remains of them. However, Fenh'im is a location to be told of for another post.

The journey to Fenh'im is dangerous; for normal creatures at least. Should an unlucky ship manage to jump into Fenh'im, it would most likely be stuck in there for a long while; or at the very worst come across an Eldritch, who will most likely destroy the ship. Even creatures with the ability to live in the vacuum of space do not survive here for long. Thus, Fenh'im is a good place for the Eldritch to meet; because it is isolated and empty. The main meeting in Fenh'im takes place in what is known as The Ring; a ring of debris composed of broken ships, asteroids, 'dead' planets, and many more. Obhil, The One Who Devours All is assumed to be responsible for some of this destruction. Within The Ring debris still lurk, but it isn't as crowded; unless the Eldritch are around.

A meeting has no schedule; you could be in the worst place possible and receive the call for a meeting.

((Something I was writing for my Reddit Account to put on r/worldbuilding))