forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@Mojack group

i have several people trapped inside of my basement and i am hiding due to my warrant for arrest because i robbed someone at gunpoint

Deleted user

if you dont eat that bagel im finna go over there and beat you with it


The girl wasted no time in screwing the cap off the carton and proceeding to begin chugging straight from it, stepping away from the counter to at least be somewhat polite. With each moment, the limp arm hanging at her side shifted somewhat, gradually returning to the state of an actual limb, as opposed to a limp noodle attached to her shoulder.

((An excerpt from a thing I'm writing.))

@TeamMezzo group


Holy heck! You're a ten year old! It's your tenth birthday, July 13th of 2019, and I know that you won't see this email for another two years, but who am I to not write this! Bub, I love you so much. Yeah, you get on my nerves, but who am I to care? You're my brother. My baby brother. Now, you're a big scary ten-year-old! I can't even begin to fathom that. You're the sweetest baby brother I could have ever asked for. You know how the song goes. "Ooh! Snuggle puppy of mine/ Everything about you is especially fine/ I love what you are/ I love what you do/ Ooh/ I love you!"

Love you for always,


Deleted user

L'envol 3:47 Caravan Palace Caravan Palace Electronic 0


“Midoriya, what—” Yamada begins, before the boy slides a bobby pin into the keyhole.

It takes less time than it would have for Yamada to search the rest of his pockets. It’s quick, efficient, and practiced. The lock clicks, and Midoriya twists the handle and tugs it open a few inches, more to test the door than actually open it.

“Excuse me,” he says, quiet and polite as anything, and walks back to where Uraraka and Todoroki are waiting for him. Uraraka is looking at him like he just grew a second head. Aizawa doesn’t blame her.

“Shouta,” Yamada says as the kids move off. “I’ll ask again, what are you teaching those kids?”

“It’s a useful skill,” he answers. “Besides, I didn’t teach him anything. That one came like that.”

Midoriya is an odd one—he knows that much. There’s something about him that Aizawa can’t put a finger on—and the frustrating thing is that Aizawa knows, with zero evidence and every fiber of his being, that he should be able to. It’s not some nebulous feeling; there’s something very concrete about Midoriya that he should know but doesn’t—

“Well, this saves us a trip to the teacher’s lounge,” Yamada says, breaking him out of his thoughts. “And we can thank your student’s tragic criminal past, I guess.”

((One of my favorite scenes from Yesterday Upon The Stair))

@faltering-through pets

I just love clenches fist talking about character analysis and why characters act the way they do. It’s supremely satisfying to figure out motivations of characters and see how that ties into their core nature and how they perceive the world around them.

@CasiCasino group

This advertisement about raising awareness by ‘MomsDemandAction’ is not only one of the most stunning ads ever presented but also aimed and targeted at teenagers in many ways. First off, the ad piece is hard to look pass as the ones presenting the ads used something that teenagers will look at or pay attention to. Most people, this would most likely count you as well, would pay attention to the gun the girl on the right is holding first which will immediately capture the passer’s attention. The advertisement was made to create controversy about America’s system of taking care of their newer generation, something teenagers are familiar with. In regards to the topic, teenagers are the ones who would rebel to any topic they are against without shame and all that, so by creating an advertisement stating about problems in a ‘system’, the creators of the advertisement are clearly targeting younger generations to look at the ad. The design of the advertisement was more likely than not made to attract teenagers to look at the ad. Teenagers nowadays like things ‘nice and simple’, so by having an advertisement designed like the one above - showing two kids; one with a Red Riding Hood book and one with an assault rifle - is ideal for teenagers. By having an advertisement like the one presented, teenagers would be interested in the ad, take the message into account and decide for their own on whether they support the movement or whether they go against the movement, that is what a controversy is afterall.

((Okay, wtf was I writing about…))